Lin Senping gritted her teeth, she actually underestimated the strength of these two people.

She couldn't hold back, there were more people watching.

She shouted: "Go on, go on together, kill them."

The morale of the remaining twenty people could not match that of Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi.

But thinking of the money that Lin Senping said, so much money is enough for them to do this fight, so they won't fight anymore.

So they gritted their teeth and rushed to Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi with iron bars.

Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi shook their heads, apparently feeling that these people's strength was still weak.

The two of them punched and punched, and soon they were beaten on the ground.

With bare hands, he punched more than 30 famous people on the ground, and he quickly beat them on the ground.

What is this concept?

A few people who can still gasp have scared legs.

These two women are too strong and too cruel!

These two girls looked so thin, how could they fight so much, how could Kung Fu be so powerful.

"Lin...Miss Lin...We won't take care of this job."

He said that the person invited had left.

They found out that these two girls are too powerful, they are not opponents, and the momentum of these two girls is not ordinary, it seems that they can not provoke. What kind of family can raise such a capable person, obviously there must be stronger people behind them, and only those with enough family background can raise such a person.

So without thinking, they can guess that the background of these two girls is definitely not simple.

Although they want to take money, they must have the ability to take money, and they also cherish their lives.

These people even walked away, Lin Senping's face became even more pale.

Lin Senping didn't realize that her legs were trembling and spinning.

When she looked at Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi at this time, she was also scared. She is a typical person who is bullying and hard.

All the people she brought at this time fled, and she wanted to escape because she was afraid that Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo would kill her here.

She is afraid of death, she does not want to die, she still wants to live.

But if she wanted to escape, her legs didn't listen to her, and she couldn't move at all, just like the lead.

She wanted to talk, but she found that her teeth were trembling and she couldn't make a sound.

The followers brought by Lin Senping were also afraid.

Why did they follow Lin Senping, the woman, here with their brains?

Cha Qingluo looked at Lin Senping's frightened face, and raised an arc in the corner of her mouth, watching her trembling with fear, and also interested.

Just watching, quite cool.

Cha Qingluo held his hands and said, "Want to kill us?"

"no no……"

Lin Senping stammered, completely speechless.

Cha Qingluo slapped up directly, "Today I am telling you that neither Ningxi nor I can provoke you. Let me be honest in school later, otherwise I don’t mind damaging you. Can kill you, right?"

Lin Senping's face became even paler, her lips were shaking, and she dared not say a word now.

She wants to cry, but dare not cry.

She felt these two women were really scary!

"Are you thinking, killing us, then the money can be smoothed out? Oh, you really dare to think, tell you, we can kill you and make money to smooth out."

Lin Senping watched Cha Qingluo's murderous eyes, his body softened, and he knelt at once.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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