Ji Chengxuan was right next to Nan Jiateng and watched the video again, but he still didn't recover from the shock.

"To be honest, these two girls are really tough, two people fight more than 30 people, the movement is so agile, at first glance is the practice of the family, when I first watched the video, I was really shocked, I adore this Two girls, but I took a closer look, and then read the comments. I didn’t expect it to be Cha Xuemei and Zi Xuemei. These two guys are too cool and fierce? Still girls!

I remember that at the beginning of the school, when Feng Feng and I went to dinner, I also saw these two girls, so I can eat them. I also sent pictures in our dormitory group. These two girls look like legends...

It’s just that I don’t know who deliberately posted it on the forum. You can see the comment below. It was led by the Marines from the beginning..."

Ji Chengxuan kept talking there.

Talking, he felt the cold around him and couldn't help shivering.

He turned to see Nan Jiateng.

The coldness just around came from Nan Jiateng?

He felt that Nan Jiateng's aura was too strong, and when he looked at the coldness at this time, he felt dazed.

I always feel that Nan Jiateng at this time is not the same as what he usually knows.

He looked carefully at his look, his face was dignified, his eyes dark and dark.

Ji Chengxuan did not dare to say anything at this time.

He had a feeling of tranquility before the storm, and he always felt that Nan Jiateng was stretching.

Perhaps, at this time, he seemed to be condensing a storm around him.

Ji Chengxuan felt that he had never seen Nan Jiateng like this before.

He felt that Nan Jiateng had dealt with everything calmly before, and his mood had not changed much.

But he looked at the forum in front of him, and it became like this.

He has a small bold guess.

Is Nan Jiateng uncommon for Cha Xuemei?

Perhaps it is said that there is a tea girl in your heart.

It's just that he was very calm on weekdays.

Originally, Nan Jiateng was a deep-hearted person, and no one else in his mind could guess.

But maybe it’s not because of Cha Xuemei?

It may be because the video itself is posted on the post or forum, and it has a bad influence on t.

But Nan Jiateng is not so angry about the big things.

Yes, it is anger.

He could feel that Nan Jiateng seemed angry.

Comments on forums and post bars continue.

Those comments have everything and a lot of scolding.

In fact, in his view, the obvious thing is that Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi were besieged by so many people, and they were to be beaten with iron rods. The two were just counterattacked beautifully.

He hesitated and said: "Nan Jiateng, according to my guess, someone must have deliberately targeted Cha Xuemei and Zi Xuemei. It is said that both of them are freshmen. Who do you say, for what reason, someone treats them so much, I think both of them have a bold personality, and they are also upright, so that the talents who make bad things in the dark are the real ideas...''

Ji Chengxuan's power in the school is not that great, so Nan Jia Teng has to deal with this matter.

This was the case just one morning. If the matter of letting the hangovers continue to expand, it is estimated that the leaders of the whole school will know it, which may be difficult to deal with.

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