Although everyone sometimes has a strange look in Cha Qingluo's eyes, they will not discuss it behind their backs.

Yang Manqin sometimes comes to military training and sometimes asks for leave.

She is a girl, but she is very tall, always standing on the right side of the last row of girls, just in front of the position of the first row of tea dill.

Because some people have asked for leave before, this time everyone is back in the team and the team is rearranged.

When Yang Manqin didn't come to military training, Cha Qingluo felt very relaxed.

However, when Yang Manqin came to military training, Cha Qingluo always felt that there were eyes behind her, as if Yang Manqin had been watching her all the time.

She was tight all over.

Thinking of Yang Manqin's light and fluttering movement, he held Zi Lingxi's fist and Cha Qingluo could only stretch his body.

She really wanted to hit it with a fist.

But she also felt that maybe it was her illusion, maybe Yang Manqin was not looking at her at the back.

She thinks it may be her psychological role.

Sometimes it is very strange, when the instructor said, "When turning left and turning right," Yang Manqin turned wrong and faced Cha Qingluo like this.

As soon as Cha Qingluo looked up, she could see Yang Manqin's strange smile.

Cha Qingluo wanted to hit Yang Manqin's face with a fist.

But she refrained.

"Yang Manqin, what's wrong with you, wrong?"

"I'm sorry instructor, I turn around."

Because Yang Manqin is a big beauty, the instructor is not too harsh on her.

Cha Qingluo really wanted the instructor to pull out Yang Manqin and teach him something, but obviously the instructor was not strict with Yang Manqin.

During the break, the boys in the class were also very attentive to Yang Manqin, but Yang Manqin was cold and indifferent to everyone, and looked proud.

It's the kind of attitude that the world owes her.

Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo were resting next to them. Cha Qingluo looked at Yang Manqin and "cut" with a disdain.

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo and applauded her hand. "There is no need to worry about such a person."

"Lingxi, you said she did it on purpose. She has such a skill. When the instructor said she could not respond when she turned to it? I think she did it on purpose."

Zi Lingxi looked at Yang Manqin sitting in the shade of another tree with deep eyes. She naturally felt that Yang Manqin was intentional.

Yang Manqin deliberately aimed at tea?

But what is the purpose of Yang Manqin?

Zi Lingxi turned to look at Cha Qingluo again, and found that Cha Qingluo's attention was completely taken away by Yang Manqin.

"Don't watch it all the time."

Cha Qingluo stubborn said: "No, I will kill Yang Manqin with my eyes."

Zi Lingxi couldn't help but smile, "You can't kill her with your eyes. You stare at her like this, but she finds it interesting. Isn't she saying that life is boring? I think she deliberately tossed you, seeing you bully and toss ."

Cha Qingluo was persuaded by Zi Lingxi, rubbed his face, and looked at Zi Lingxi: "Do I really look so bully and tossing?"

"Your personality is too straightforward, easy to impulse, calm down, don't go to see Yang Manqin, look at the phone, you can talk to Nan Jiateng."


Cha Qingluo almost forgot Nan Jiateng.

At this moment, she picked up her phone and thought about talking to Nan Jiateng.

"Lingxi, although on a campus, I really want to see Nan Jiateng often, want to talk to him, want to see him, is this miss?"

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