When Zi Lingxi said this, in fact, she was smiling secretly.

She can say that the reason for her courage and fear is because she knows that her brother is powerful and can support her.

She also knows that it’s so cool under the big tree, so will she be brave?

She feels that she feels a little bit fake.

Of course, she is a very just person. She won't be shot if others do not bully her or provoke her.

Huang Luoxiu listened to Zi Lingxi and thought that what she said made sense.

Besides, this girl doesn't look like someone who can make you lose money.

Seeing the gleaming light in her eyes, cunning and clever, he couldn't help laughing.

Huang Luoxiu accompanied Zi Lingxi to talk about the conversation, raised his hand and looked at his watch, it was not early.

"Okay, I'm going back. You should go to military training. On the weekend, my brother will pick you up."

When Zi Lingxi heard this sentence, she was so reluctant in her heart that she didn't want her brother to leave.

What to do, her heart could not control it.

She wanted her brother to be by her side and stay with her.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi's broken face and knew she was not happy.

He was still reluctant to make her unhappy. Seeing her like this, he was really unbearable, "I will see you on the weekend."

"Will that brother miss me?"

When Zi Lingxi asked this sentence, when looking at Huang Luoxiu, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

She wanted Huang Luoxiu very much, and also wanted Huang Luoxiu to miss her very much.

Of course she is not greedy, he can think of her, just a little.

Huang Luoxiu patted Zi Lingxi's head, "Don't think about it, just think about it when you see it?"

Huang Luoxiu smiled, comforted Zi Lingxi, and then put his hands in his pockets, put on his sunglasses in one hand, and walked toward the door.

Many girls around were still watching, taking a breath.

Zi Lingxi has been looking at the figure of Huang Luoxiu.

Although she was a little unhappy, although she felt uncomfortable, she thought she could see her brother on Friday and she was in a much better mood.

Huang Luoxiu walked for a while, and seemed to feel something. Looking back, he saw Zi Lingxi standing on the spot and looking at him all the time.

Huang Luoxiu seemed to be able to see Zi Lingxi's eyes and look. His expression moved, and then waved at Zi Lingxi to let her go to military training.

Zi Lingxi shook her head, she wanted to look at her brother.

Huang Luoxiu was helpless, he seemed unable to take this girl.

Sometimes it's sticky, sometimes it's sensible, and it makes you unable to ignore her.


It wasn't until Huang Luoxiu's figure disappeared that Zi Lingxi turned around to prepare for military training.

There were also girls who recognized Zi Lingxi, hurry up and deliberately talk to Zi Lingxi, and said kindly: "Lingxi, is that your boyfriend?"

Zi Lingxi's face changed when she heard the words boyfriend.

She also thought Huang Luoxiu was her boyfriend.

The girl looked at Zi Lingxi's face and knew it was not.

Women’s minds are actually the most delicate and sensitive, and subtle changes can be seen by looking at their looks.

Just now Zi Lingxi ran over to hug the man. The man stood still, but didn't hug her.

The girl smiled and said, "Lingxi, wouldn't it be your brother?"

Zi Lingxi nodded.

She is not good at lying. She naturally knows what ideas these girls play. She also wants to shout out that Huang Luoxiu is her boyfriend.

But she hadn't been as cheeky as that, and she didn't know why. She just couldn't say it for the time being. She wanted to say more, but it's not yet.

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