When Zi Lingxi heard the girl's words, she froze and tried to squeeze out an awkward smile.

But she looked at the girl mysteriously and blinked, "Do you think you want to climb the bed?"

"If you can make your elder brother feel the heart, and treat you as a woman, from sister to woman, the most direct way is this. Your elder brother will not be reluctant to make you sad and will be responsible."

Zi Lingxi opened his mouth wide and felt so scheming.

"Actually, if someone else dares not try this method, it's all fun, but your brother must be reluctant to play with you. You see that he still touched your head gently and said a lot with you."

After a pause, the girl said: "But your brother must be rich?"

Zi Lingxi thought of the island castle where she lived, and when she went to the restaurant building, the people inside looked respectful to her brother. She nodded her head, it should be considered rich, but she didn’t know if her brother had more money. Too.

The girl said: "If you are rich and have such high quality, many women will think about having a night with your brother for money."

With that, the girl blinked Zi Lingxi to show you understand.

Of course, Zi Lingxi understands that she is not a three-year-old child. She has watched a lot of TV series, so she understands.

She felt that she was very complicated when she listened to these words.

She now hates to run to her brother as soon as possible, pestering him, and then quickly determine the relationship.

But someone like her brother, elegant and gentle, and a gentleman with every move, how did she break through, she also wanted to speed up.

Zi Lingxi talked to the girl a lot, and the girl felt that Zi Lingxi's character was really straightforward and easy to speak.

In fact, she feels much better than the kind of person behind the calculation.

And girls often prefer girls with straightforward personality to get along.

The two said a lot, and Zi Lingxi went back to the military training in a heavy heart.

In the evening, after the military training was disbanded, Cha Qingluo exploded.

She looked at Yang Manqin, who was walking gracefully in front, and ran straight over, saying, "Yang Manqin, you stop me."

Yang Manqin heard Cha Qingluo's words, turned her head to look at her, looked at her bulgingly, restrained and laughed: "Cha Qingluo, are you calling me?"

"My name is you."

Cha Qingluo said, walking in front of Yang Manqin, reaching for his hips and said: "Yang Manqin, people don't tell secret words, did you deliberately during military training?"

"What did you mean?"

"You deliberately made a wrong turn, and while running, did you intentionally hit me with your arm?"

"Oh? I didn't pay attention. It hurt you?"

Cha Qingluo's face changed, but she didn't. She was angry and felt like she was being led by her nose.

"In short, what's your dissatisfaction with me, let's come directly to the front, you don't want to do these small actions next time."

"My sense of direction is not very good, and it is easy to turn the wrong direction. The instructor said that my left and right hands may be wrong.

Cha Qingluo was vomited by this sentence.

If it's someone else, she fights directly until the opponent's suit. The key is that this Yang Manqin's skill may be very strong. She may not be able to fight Yang Manqin at all.

Cha Qingluo's face was blue and white, she felt angry with Yang Manqin, and might really want Nan Jiateng.

She felt that Yang Manqin had targeted her, definitely because of Nan Jiateng.

Sorry, her personality is a little weird. The less she lets her do, the more she wants to do it.

She lingered Nan Jiateng as soon as she ate.

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