Several of their staff members gossiped quietly. Here, Huang Luoxiu covered the blanket for Zi Lingxi. "Sleep for a while, and you will arrive in country E in about two hours."

Zi Lingxi looked at Huang Luoxiu around her and could smell the elegant air on him from close range. She was very intoxicated.

Although she was indeed a little tired, she wanted to take a break after relaxing, but she still couldn't sleep. She wanted to see Huang Luoxiu more, stay with him for a while, and talk.

Even if it looks like this.

The chair is half-lying, so the two of them recline on the back of the chair half-lying, just like lying together.

There is a very different feeling.

Huang Luoxiu could face Zi Lingxi's clear eyes, she seemed to be watching him without blinking, as if afraid of disappearing.

The girl's mind was revealed through her eyes.

She blinked her eyes, her eyelashes fluttered, like feathers, trembling at the tip of his heart, making his heart tickle.

Huang Luoxiu's eyes flashed, and he put his hand on Zi Lingxi's eyes. "Sleep, when I call you, I will not disappear. I have enough time to watch on the weekend."

Zi Lingxi was covered by Huang Luoxiu's eyes, unable to see Huang Luoxiu's expression at all, and did not know his expression.

But just listening to the sound has a ridiculous taste.

She listened carefully and seemed to hear the smile in Huang Luoxiu's voice.

The corner of her mouth rose slightly, her eyelashes trembling.

I feel safe by my brother's side.

"Close your eyes and obey."

Huang Luoxiu's voice was soft, and Zi Lingxi seemed to be hypnotized. She slowly relaxed and the plane took off, and she fell asleep soon after.

Feeling Zi Lingxi's breathing light and knowing that she was asleep, Huang Luoxiu also picked up the remote control and closed the windows, and then put his hand down.

The sound of the plane rang in his ears, and Huang Luoxiu's heart could not be calm.

The fragrance from the girl also exuded, filling the cabin with this breath.

And the feeling that the girl's eyelashes flickered just fell on the palm of her hand.

The feeling of the palm is so strong that Huang Luoxiu can't ignore it.

He couldn't help thinking of the feeling that she put her hand in his palm when she was on the plane.

After a while, Huang Luoxiu sighed long.

It seems that from the moment Zi Lingxi hugged him, from the moment she let him know her mind, he could not ignore her.

This feeling made him a little bit irritable, a feeling he had never had before, and also made him feel something tricky.

Huang Luoxiu's head hurt a little, he rubbed his eyebrows, and then he leaned on the chair and closed his eyes.

But even with his eyes closed, Huang Luoxiu can't really fall asleep, and the feeling around him is very strong.

In particular, Zi Lingxi's breath was in his ear.

When Zi Lingxi fell asleep, she seemed insecure. She couldn't help leaning to Huang Luoxiu's side.

Habitually lean here.

So Huang Luoxiu saw that people who were leaning against him kept sticking to him.

Although the cabin was a little dark, Huang Luoxiu could still see clearly.

He could see Zi Lingxi's quiet sleep, pure like a baby.

She slept well, and he couldn't move her.

Can only let her lean like this.

In order to make Zi Lingxi more comfortable, Huang Luoxiu tried to relax his body, at least his muscles were not tied to Zi Lingxi.

After watching it for a while, Huang Luoxiu couldn't help but stretch his hand and gently touched Zi Lingxi's hair. His movements were very light, and he seemed afraid of waking Zi Lingxi.

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