Looking at the smile in Huang Luoxiu's eyes, Zi Lingxi knew that his brother was in a good mood.

And she knew wisely that her brother came to see her in the middle of the night, and she must not be worried.

Explain that her brother is in her heart.

Zi Lingxi knew that she should be wayward and could do what she wanted.

When she looked down, her eyes gleamed with cunning light, and she stretched her hands to embrace Huang Luoxiu's waist, and sniffed Huang Luoxiu's breath like greed.

She felt that her brother was always so clean and comfortable.

I don't know why. She smelled the smell of her brother's body, and she felt drunk.

I feel that I can only feel the breath and the whole person can be emotional.

This is how she loves someone. Huang Luoxiu does nothing, and makes her so greedy and so infatuated.

"Of course I will be afraid. My brother doesn't know what people think in my heart. They are pretending to be strong. My brother doesn't hurt others. They can only hurt themselves."

When saying this, Zi Lingxi deliberately said in a pitiful tone, just to make his brother feel soft and make his brother feel distressed.

If a person really loves you, you are in his heart.

So she will make her brother feel bad.

Huang Luoxiu looked down at the man in his arms. He was in a trance, and he hesitated when he reached out to hug him.

But he still put his hands up and gently wrapped Zi Lingxi.

Immediately around Zi Lingxi, Huang Luoxiu felt that his empty heart seemed full.

It was a very strange feeling, but it made him feel that his empty heart was full at this moment.

He seemed to find a feeling of fullness.

Huang Luoxiu looked down at Zi Lingxi deeply. He clearly felt like a young girl, but he felt disturbed.

In fact, he was always in a trance, uncertain.

But Xirong Fuchen's words hit him on the head like a stick, making him awake all at once.

Maybe because Zi Lingxi was always by his side, he didn't feel anything else.

But what if Zi Lingxi leaves?

He might not dare to think.

So just like that, he accompanied Zi Lingxi to go on like this.

If his feelings are strong, he will not allow Zi Lingxi to leave again.

He has possessiveness in his bones, but he hasn't been inspired yet.

But in his own heart, he knew that there was darkness and anger.


Zi Lingxi leaned in Huang Luoxiu's arms, and was smiling happily!

She could feel her brother's hesitation struggling, but then she wrapped her hand around her.

She knew she was trying to disintegrate her brother's atrium and she wanted to continue.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep one night. The next day is the weekend. She can sleep late.

"Brother, are you okay to accompany Lingxi? It's very scary to sleep alone. Others have dads and moms by their side. I only have my elder brother. My elder brother is busy. Stay with me?"

Huang Luoxiu thought that this girl was alone, but also distressed.

A glare flashed through his eyes, and he sighed and promised, "Okay, my brother is with you."

Hearing this, Zi Lingxi's heart burst, and she couldn't believe it. She looked up and opened her eyes, did her brother really agree to accompany her?

She just said that, but she didn't expect her brother to agree.

Huang Luoxiu looked down at Zi Lingxi's big blinking eyes. With an unbelievable look, he touched her head and repeated: "Accompany you."

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