This mountain has a relatively beautiful scenery and is also a famous local tourist attraction.

On weekends, there are also many people.

The bustling is also quite lively.

Cha Qingluo looked at it, and some couples came out to play.

The girls were tired, and all the boys took their hands and took them to the mountains.

Cha Qingluo's eyes blinked, and he also learned, reaching for Lanan Jiateng's hand, "I can't move, you can pull me."

Nan Jiateng didn't go to pull the tea and dilute his hands, but said to everyone: "It's almost noon, and it's also halfway up the mountain. Let's take a break, have some lunch, climb the mountain in the afternoon, and should be able to reach the top of the mountain in the evening. You can cook."

In fact, although it is said to climb a mountain, in fact, the road is relatively easy to walk, everyone is to go out and play.

The three girls looked at Cha Qingluo just like that and snorted.

"She just wanted Nan Jia Teng to pull her, her face is really big."

"Nan Jiateng didn't pull her."

"Nan Jiateng gave the big guy a break for her, and he didn't know what he was thinking. His mind was really unclear."


The teasers of the three girls naturally heard Cha Qingluo.

She wanted Nan Jiateng to pull her, just like holding hands, but Nan Jiateng did not move.

She was actually a little embarrassed, and there were also a few boys who saw it.

Although Cha Qingluo is not a good-looking person, she always feels that other people are looking at her with strange eyes, which makes her very embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Especially she couldn't figure out Nan Jiateng's mind.

I really don't know what he thinks.

There was also water flowing on the mountainside, and Cha Qingluo picked up the stones and threw them into the river, seeming to vent her depressed mood.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo and walked over, "Have something to eat. I have to hurry in the afternoon."

Cha Qingluo pursed her lips and wanted to ask him, did she really care about her?

But I felt that the big guy was watching, but she could no longer embarrass herself.

Cha Qingluo is also a wise man, knowing that boys are also face-saving, at this time, she can't let Nan Jiateng lose face.

Actually want to come, Nan Jiateng is also very attentive, just taking care of her, just like taking care of a friend, it is not like taking care of girlfriend at all.

Deep in her heart, she regarded herself as Nan Jiateng's girlfriend.

Cha Qingluo came to the big guy and sat beside Nan Jiateng, eating snacks together.

In fact, sitting down, eating what you bring, looking at the scenery, breathing fresh air, and really have a different feeling, you can relax your body and mind.

She feels that Liu Ningning can relax in this way if the study pressure is high.

In the afternoon, Cha Qingluo seemed to be angry. When climbing the mountain, he never said anything to Jiajia Nan.

She completely regards herself as a female man.

Anyway, when she can't rely on it, she doesn't depend on it, she can be very strong.

But in the afternoon, Cha Qingluo actually received a message from her cheap master, and asked where she was, she said she was climbing the mountain, and then took a photo and posted it.

But in the evening, Cha Qingluo found this cheap master on the mountain.

When Cha Qingluo saw Yang Manqin, he opened his mouth, and some could not believe it, "Master...Master..."

She found that Yang Manqin wore a sportswear, there seemed to be something different, she had to admit, it was pretty, just like the model.

The master who just thought about conditioned reflex was called Master, but realized that the big guys were there now, and was preparing for the barbecue, she pursed her lips and said, "Why are you here?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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