Yang Manqin didn't speak, and Cha Qingluo kept saying in Yang Manqin's ear: "Master, Master..."

Cha Qingluo kept talking, making Yang Manqin feel a buzzing head, "Not sleepy?"

"I'm full and can't sleep for a while."

"Then say it!"

Cha Qingluo smiled and said, "Master, you are actually very good, why do you always look like a fierce cold."

There was a deep and complex light in Yang Manqin's eyes, and he didn't speak.

Cha Qingluo said, "Master, actually, to be honest, if I were a boy, I would also like Master's..."

When saying this, Cha Qingluo also had a sad look, but unfortunately Master was a girl!

Yang Manqin stiffened and remained silent.

Cha Qingluo said a lot of things on his own, and later tired, yawned, and then took out his pajamas from his schoolbag, and took off his clothes in front of Yang Manqin.

She feels that it is a girl anyway, and there is nothing to be taboo about.

But she didn't realize that Yang Manqin's complexion changed a lot.

When he went to bed at night, Cha Qingluo fell asleep, all attached to Yang Manqin's body.

Yang Manqin stiffened his body and pushed the tea dumpling to the side. When the tea dumpling fell asleep, he posted it again.

So until midnight, Yang Manqin fell asleep.

Cha Qingluo drank a lot of water at night. Because the skewers were a bit salty, she drank too much water and wanted to go easily.

But this wild country.

She wanted to wake up Master, but found that Yang Manqin was sleeping soundly.

She could only put on her own coat and get up and walk away.

As soon as he came out, Cha Qingluo didn't know where to go, so he turned around.

After a turn, he found Nan Jiateng.

Cha Qingluo twitched her mouth, and in the middle of the night, why did Nan Jiateng not sleep, he suddenly came out, she was startled, OK.

Cha Qingluo pursed her lips and stood still.

Nan Jiateng slowly walked to Cha Qingluo's side, "What's wrong?"

Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng, feeling that the light of the stars and the moon was a little bright on the mountain. She seemed to be able to see the moon-like light in Nan Jiateng's eyes.


How can you say that in the toilet?

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo like this, and seemed to understand, "Will it be convenient?"

Cha Qingluo nodded vigorously, but her face was slightly hot, after all, she was still shy in front of Nan Jiateng.

Nan Jiateng said, "There is a bathroom not far away. I will accompany you."

This mountain is also regarded as a tourist attraction, and naturally it also has a toilet.

"I can go by myself."

"In the middle of the night, it is not safe for you to be a girl. I will accompany you and I will wait for you outside."

Cha Qingluo felt Nan Jiateng's care and thought again, and his heart beat.

She is actually a bit tangled. Does Nan Jiateng really care about her or does she occasionally rise up to care about her?

But in the middle of the night, accompany a girl to the bathroom not far away. Speaking of it, can you really care?

It's really a bit dark over there, even if Cha Qingluo is daring, it's a little scared.

But when she saw Nan Jiateng around, she didn't know why, and suddenly she felt safe.

When going in, Nan Jiateng said, "I'm just outside. What's calling me."

Cha Qingluo turned her head to look at Nan Jiateng on the steps. Her deep eyes on Shang Nan Jiateng palpitated.

She nodded ghostly, "Well, I'll be out soon."

With that, the tea poured into it.

When it was convenient, she thought that Nan Jiateng was outside, she suffocated a little, afraid of making a sound, how embarrassing.

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