But maybe someone is talking, Liu Ningning's attention is diverted, and his mood is much better.

In fact, sometimes when people are sad, they can talk and resolve some sad emotions.

Liu Ningning nodded and said, "Well, it's homesick, maybe you will understand later."

Luo Yanxiao thought about this sentence carefully. If he thought about it, maybe he would understand it in the future. Anyway, he could not understand it now.

When I was young, I missed my parents, but when my parents didn't come back often, he didn't want to.

Luo Yanxiao felt that there would be nothing to say at one and a half, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

He then shifted the topic and said: "The poem you just said is very good. I remember it was in the textbook very early, and I almost forgot."

"I also suddenly remembered that some poems are very good. When I read the poems, my heart will be calmer."

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and smiled and said, "Liu Ningning, I really can't see it. I can't imagine your appearance. You have such a quiet heart."

Luo Yanxiao said this, nothing else, just how to say it.

But it was embarrassing to hear Liu Ningning's ears.

Does he think that girls who like poetry are all the kind of women with long hair fluttering as if they came out of poetry and painting?

Liu Ningning didn't refute Luo Yanxiao's words: "Do I not look so quiet?"

"No, no, you are very quiet, just, just..."

Luo Yanxiao thought of Yang Manqin and thought that Liu Ningning might not have the temperament like Yang Manqin, but she learned a lot and she had inner beauty.

Luo Yanxiao didn’t want Liu Ningning to be sad, so he found a word to boast Liu Ningning, "Well, you... you don’t want to be sad, you have inner beauty, you have been with you for a long time, everyone will find your inner beautiful."

Liu Ningning wanted to laugh, but suddenly he couldn't laugh.

She knows that she likes Luo Yanxiao in her heart, but through today's conversation, she knows that she may not be a beautiful girl in Luo Yanxiao's eyes.

Liu Ningning also has self-knowledge.

But this time she was not sad. When she thought of her parents, her heart calmed down.

"If you really want your parents, how about I go back to your house with you? You go home alone as a girl, which makes people very uneasy."

Luo Yanxiao did not know how to comfort Liu Ningning, so he thought of such a sentence.

Liu Ningning listened, his heart throbbed and his heart beat faster.

He accompanied her home?

Also, he said that she went home alone as a girl, making people feel uneasy.

In this case, she really heard it from the boys for the first time.

Was she treated like a girl?

Liu Ningning opened her mouth. In fact, she was tempted. She really had an urge to take Luo Yanxiao back.

But the only sense of reason in her mind made her depressed her emotions, "I have been thinking about studying in school for more than a week's vacation, so I won't go home."

"Aren't you homesick?"

"Just think about it, you don't have to go back, but thank you anyway."

"Thank you, we are all good friends."

Liu Ningning flashed complex emotions in his heart, good friend?

She wants more than just good friends.

But Luo Yanxiao was already very good at treating her as a good friend.

After the two had spoken, Liu Ningning's mood was completely healed.

She felt she was not sad.

She found that Luo Yanxiao had a great influence on her emotions, and she would be happy even when he saw him.

The two said a lot.

Luo Yanxiao also realized that he was really willing to chat with Liu Ningning.

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