Liu Ningning didn't know who the woman was. Even if her attitude was arrogant, Liu Ningning still smiled gently: "Please wait!"

With that said, Liu Ningning hurried to the position at the front desk and asked the original staff in the store.

The employees in the store were originally checking out for other customers. When they saw this woman, her face changed, and she whispered to Liu Ningning: "This is a big customer, Liang Liangya, the young lady of the Liang family, and the one over there is hers. The fiancé, also the master of the family Song family, Song Yaoqing, is a person who cannot be offended. That Miss Liang family is difficult to wait for. You entertain some first. The clothes are behind the door behind. You just take it out, it’s all hers. , I'll go after these checkouts..."

The clerk quietly explained Liu Ningning a few words, and lowered her voice so that no one knew.

She didn't want Liu Ningning to entertain female customers who were so difficult to serve, but there were still several people waiting to check out. She could only look at Liu Ningning with apology.

Liu Ningning has such a good temper, so gentle, I hope that Miss Liang will not be too embarrassed to Liu Ningning.

She has to hurry up and settle the bill.

Liu Ningning hurried over and smiled softly: "Hello, please wait a moment, I will take out the clothes immediately, you sit down and take a break first, this is coffee!"

Liu Ningning arrived at the two cups of coffee and put them by the sofa, then hurried to the storage room behind the door to take out a piece of clothing hanging there.

When Liu Ningning took it out, the Song Yaoqing was sitting on the sofa, with a lazy breath, his legs overlapped, and he was reading with the newspaper beside him.

The Liang Luoya was walking back and forth anxiously.

When she saw Liu Ningning, she said sharply: "Why is it so slow, and how do you take this dress, are you afraid of getting it into a wrinkle? Are you new here, do you understand the rules..."

Facing the accusation, Liu Ningning was a little embarrassed, but when she went to school before, her classmates were bitter and harsh.

And Liu Ningning is really good-tempered and will not blush with people. "I'm sorry, I'll pay attention. I'll iron it for you later. Do you want to try it on now?"

Liu Ningning's voice is gentle and gentle, giving people a feeling of unclearness, like a cloud floating in the sky, giving people a comfortable feeling.

"I naturally have to try it on, so I won't get it back like this? Who knows if you've done something perfunctory."

Liu Ningning's mouth moved, still smiling gently, "Okay, I'll hang here first, you can try on one by one, there is a fitting room there!"

Although Liu Ningning still seems to be malnourished, she smiles soothingly.

Liang Luoya no longer embarrassed Liu Ningning, and entered the fitting room. Liu Ningning helped Liang Luoya piece by piece with a gentle attitude.

She waited quietly outside the fitting room, waiting for Liang Luoya to try on one piece before taking it in another.

The language is mild.

Liang Yaoya's temper Song Yaoqing knew, but he listened to the girl's voice and looked up.

At this time, Liang Luoya was standing outside in the fitting room. She looked calm and soft. Even her eyes were gentle. Like her voice, she was clean and clean, without any trace of impatience.

Song Yaoqing's eyes fell on Liu Ningning for a few seconds.

He is the most observable person, through the facial expression can see a person's heart.

But the girl looks malnourished.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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