When Zi Lingxi heard Liu Ningning's words, his eyes were sour, and there was an urge to cry.

The eyes are red.

Liu Ningning was also worried when she saw Zi Lingxi, "Lingxi, I'm fine, you... don't cry..."

Zi Lingxi shook his head, "No, I listened to you and thought of myself. In fact, I also have an inferiority complex, and I will not be confident."

Liu Ningning was surprised. In her view, Zi Lingxi was beautiful, good in character, good in study, and her family was so good. There was also an elder brother who spoiled her so much. How could she be inferior?

Zi Lingxi looked at Liu Ningning's surprised look and took her hand: "Does it feel strange?"

Liu Ningning nodded, "In my eyes, you are fine."

Zi Lingxi covered her heart with one hand. When she thought of her brother, her heart was sour.

She took a deep breath and put down her emotions, saying, "Ning Ning, I don't lie to you, I am inferior in front of my brother, because I like my brother so much."

After a pause, Zi Ling said: "Ning Ning, in my eyes, you are also very good, you think you are bad, you have low self-esteem, I also don't believe it, I still say that, you have to believe in yourself. "

In fact, Zi Lingxi is not so strong on the surface. When she has a weak heart, she also likes to talk to Liu Ningning, which is more comfortable.

The two said a lot before going to bed.

Early the next morning, Liu Ningning went to the library to study as before.

At seven o'clock, Luo Yanxiao really appeared in front of her.

When Liu Ningning looked up at Luo Yanxiao, her heart throbbed. She didn't know whether it was because of what he said last night. Now when she sees him again, her heartbeat can't help but accelerate.

Is this difficult to feel in love? And she can see the bright light in Luo Yanxiao's eyes.

"Early, Ning Ning, you really work hard, don't you want to sleep lazy?"

With that said, Luo Yanxiao sat beside Liu Ningning and took a book on the table, only turning the pen in his hand.

Liu Ningning pursed her lips and said, "I just get used to getting up early and come to the library to read books."

"You can't do exercise without reading books. After the holidays, you don't have to work part-time anymore. In the morning, I will take you to aerobics and go to the playground, which is good for your health."

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and felt that she was too thin. He thought about raising Liu Ningning a little later.

However, Luo Yanxiao had to admit that when he saw Liu Ningning today, he also had a different feeling in his heart. He was looking forward to it, and his heart jumped.

He also did not expect that Liu Ningning, who was initially indifferent, would have this influence on him later.

He remembered that at first, he really had no impression of her.

Listening to Luo Yanxiao's proposal, Liu Ningning nodded, "Okay."

She wondered whether she would meet him every day.

Running morning exercises together may be good.

The two men talked, and it was almost half past seven. Luo Yanxiao took Liu Ningning to breakfast.

When Liu Ningning was about to swipe his card, Luo Yanxiao hurriedly swiped his meal card, "I am your boyfriend, how can I make you spend money to eat."

With that, Luo Yanxiao ordered a little more, thinking of letting Liu Ningning eat more.

Otherwise she is too thin.

After Liu Ningning recovered, Luo Yanxiao had swiped his card and bought the meal. "Help me get a plate, or I can't hold it once."

Liu Ningning's blushing help took a plate.

When he sat down to eat, Liu Ningning said, "I... I haven't agreed."

Although Liu Ningning spoke quietly, Luo Yanxiao heard it, and he looked at Liu Ningning seriously: "Where am I doing bad?"

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