Liu Ningning got out of the car and had to walk to the dormitory building. Suddenly, she saw Luo Yanxiao holding two large bags of things to her. She froze.

At this time, Liu Ningning's cheeks of hair were chaotic by the wind.

Luo Yanxiao reached out to Liu Ningning, not to be behind his ear.

Although the movement is a bit jerky, it does not affect the gentle effect.

Liu Ningning's heart throbbed fiercely, trembling, and the tip of his heart was numb.

This is the first time she seriously likes a person, the first time to fall in love, but there is a very wonderful sense of experience.

Luo Yanxiao gave Liu Ningning a good hair and touched the back of her head, saying: "The desserts and snacks for you, after a busy day, you will definitely be hungry, and you and your roommate will go back and eat."

Luo Yanxiao is grateful to Zi Lingxi.

He knew it last night, Zi Lingxi deliberately gave space to him and Liu Ningning, he naturally understood it.

The main thing is that he wants Liu Ningning to eat well, don't be hungry, of course, the friends around her will also take care of him, and will not be so selfish that only Liu Ningning will eat.

Although through the words of Liu Ningning before, Luo Yanxiao also knew that Zi Lingxi's family is also very good, but he must have an attitude.

When Liu Ningning heard Luo Yanxiao's words, he was not moved. On the first day, he treated her so well that she was at a loss.

He was so good, she didn't know how to return.

"I... I don't really need it, I'm not hungry..."

Although her family is poor, her childhood education is also formal. Her parents never let her ask for anything else.

The parents said to tell her that people are poor but not aspiring.

She has always remembered this sentence.

Although Luo Yanxiao is now her boyfriend, she does not think that Luo Yanxiao should accommodate her and buy her something.

She didn't want his things, nor did he want him to spend money for her.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's embarrassment and froze, and then his eyes softened. "I'm so stupid, I am willing to buy it for you. If you don't eat and are hungry, I'll be distressed and hold it. "

"I'm really not hungry."

"You don't hold it. I stand here. It will rain for a while, and I will be caught in the rain."

Liu Ningning can only listen to Luo Yanxiao's words, holding those two bags of things.

But she was standing still, unmoved.

Luo Yanxiao whispered: "Go in, it will rain soon."

Liu Ningning was warm and moved in her heart. She thought she would be very good to Luo Yanxiao in the future.

She will try to be excellent.

Will make her own ability to treat Luo Yanxiao.

Liu Ningning turned and walked to the dormitory building, but she was a little bit reluctant, looked back at Luo Yanxiao, and ran back again, "Yan Xiao."


"I will work hard to treat you well in the future."

Hearing this sentence, Luo Yanxiao also froze, so the novelty made his cold heart warm up.

He felt that Liu Ningning was really a warm baby, like a warm stream flowing into his heart.

No one has ever said such a thing to him. Naturally, there were girls who chased him like him before, but he never said such a thing.

His parents and relatives have not said it.

Luo Yanxiao smiled, "Go in!"

Liu Ningning thought that he didn't believe it, and that she had no ability now.

She pursed her lips and said nothing, she thought, she would prove it with action.

She blinked and went back to the dormitory building.

Luo Yanxiao was in a good mood, watching Liu Ningning go back to the dormitory, then got on the bus and drove back.

Although it was a holiday, there were some girls who did not go back. They were surprised when they saw the interaction between Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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