After sleeping well in the morning, Cha Qingluo regained his energy.

After eating at noon, she sent a message to Nan Jia Teng and asked him where he was.

Nan Jiateng will be in the dormitory. After lunch, he will return to the dormitory for a lunch break.

He also came back yesterday, but he didn’t have a good rest last night, and there are still things this morning, so he prepared for the lunch break.

There are many things in the family waiting for him to deal with, but he returned early.

Maybe he knew deep inside himself why he went back to school early.

When he was just about to rest, Nan Jiateng received a message from Cha Qingluo.

He looked down for a while, then flicked his finger, and returned the message, telling Cha Qingluo that he was in the dormitory.

Cha Qingluo received Nan Jiateng's message and hurriedly replied: "I will go to your dormitory to find you immediately."

The specialty she brought, could not wait to give it to Nan Jiateng.

Although she knows that these things are not new to Nan Jiateng, but she is also a little bit of her mind.

Cha Qingluo took something and quickly walked towards the boys' dormitory.

Cha Qingluo even walked away, the speed is very fast.

Soon, she came downstairs to the boys' dormitory.

Girls’ dormitory buildings are not allowed for boys, but there are no restrictions for boys’ dormitory buildings, and girls can enter.

Cha Qingluo now knows which dormitory Nan Jiateng is in, so she swaggers upstairs directly with her things.

In the boys’ dormitory, there are also boys walking around.

A girl suddenly appeared in the dormitory building, everyone was surprised, some were startled.

Although girls are allowed in and out of dormitory buildings for boys, generally speaking, there are still no girls in or out of dormitory buildings.

So the tea dill suddenly appeared, just like the alternative, it also made people curious to look at it.

Cha Qingluo doesn't care what other people think and think.

Nan Jiateng is in her mind. She feels that she has not seen Nan Jiateng for a long time.

She could actually feel it, she really wanted to see Nan Jiateng.

"Ah, remembering, isn't that the girl in the video you posted before?"

"Is this girl, right?"

"That's right."

"So, who is she looking for?"

"Isn't it before saying it? Did she haunt Nan Jiateng before? It is estimated that she came to Nan Jiateng."


Cha Qingluo quickly came to the door of Nanjiateng Dormitory.

She hurried over, it would be a little nervous.

But she all shuttled directly to the boys' dormitory, and came here directly, and certainly would not carry things back.

Cha Qingluo took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.

Nan Jiateng didn't think much about the knock on the door, and other people in the dormitory would come to him on weekdays.

But when he opened the door, he saw the tea pouring, and he was stunned.

Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng's surprised look and smiled, "Did you scare you?"

"How did you come to the boys' dormitory?"

Cha Qingluo grumbled and said, "Why, you are not welcome? I came to the male dormitory for you, and I will bring you a special product."

With that, Cha Qingluo lifted the handbag and showed it to Nan Jiateng.

Nan Jiateng sighed in his heart and smiled helplessly, "If you come in, tell me, I will pick you up."

In fact, Nan Jiateng didn't mean anything in the sentence just now. He was just a little surprised. Besides, Cha Qingluo was alone in the male dormitory building, and he was not at ease.

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