Wu Jian took the pillow and put Luo Yanxiao back on the bed. He said: "I don't like the beauty of girls' skeletons now, can I look fat when I get fat?"

"I think she looks good, she doesn't need others to think it looks good. She is too thin now and looks distressed."

"Huh, Luo Yanxiao, never thought you would change this way, and your wife will be in strict control in the future!"

"My Ning Ning has a gentle temper, and I control myself and her."

Luo Yanxiao thought, but take good care of Liu Ningning, don't be robbed.

Luo Yanxiao also felt strange, how could he feel that Liu Ningning is getting better and better after having feelings!

Want to hide, don't let others know her good.

Luo Yanxiao thought of Liu Ningning's voice just now, sweet and soft, like cotton, so that his heart softened.

Like a feather, he brushed his apex, and if she was by his side, he could not help but hug her.

He also remembered her red cheeks, which was really tempting.

But he thought he could go step by step, Liu Ningning was so pure, he could not scare her.


Early in the evening, Cha Qingluo, Liu Ningning and Zi Lingxi chatted with each other.

It's rare that all three people relax. The next day is still a holiday. There is no need to get up early. All three are in no rush to sleep.

Eating snacks and talking.

In fact, whether it was Zi Lingxi or Cha Qingluo, Liu Ningning was happy from her heart, but she was envious of her.

I envy Liu Ningning and can be cherished by someone I like and take it seriously.

Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi said, and both sighed.

Liu Ningning said: "I didn't expect it before. At first, Luo Yanxiao knew me and wanted to chase Yang Manqin."

Cha Qingluo was drinking water. When she heard Liu Ningning's words, she spewed it out and almost choked.

"Cough, you... what do you say, want to chase Yang Manqin?"

Cha Qingluo thought of Master's character, and that mouth, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

That style of painting is really dare not think.

When going to a picnic, the boys of the student unions were very enthusiastic about Master, but Master's cold appearance could almost freeze people.

Even Nan Jiateng is very gentle with Master, but Master does not seem to give Nan Jiateng any face.

Hey, she also wanted to learn Master's cold look, but she couldn't learn.

Because Master is beautiful and has a good family, and others have capital, they can ignore anyone.

Master does things completely based on mood.

As for Luo Yanxiao's character, she felt that it was still suitable for Liu Ningning.

Zi Lingxi thought about it and said, "Ning Ning, do you feel that Luo Yanxiao is serious about you?"

Lin Ningning nodded, "Well, he never mentioned Yang Manqin again in front of me."

Zi Lingxi nodded, "Luo Yanxiao is still clever. Maybe at first, he thought Yang Manqin was pretty. With this idea, it is estimated that you will be attracted to you later."

Cha Qingluo coughed several times: "I think, you still have to find an opportunity to ask Luo Yanxiao, some things can't hold back in your heart, guess it yourself."

The three men spoke again before taking a break.

The day goes on step by step.

Soon, they also officially started classes.

All the students are back.

Go to school at t, divided into three types of people, one is the real type of learning God, one is the learning tyrant, one is hard-working.

After all, they are top elites.

In the first class, everyone also went to take up their positions early in the morning.

When Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi went to class after eating, they found that the front row of the classroom was full of people, leaving the rear row.

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