Huang Luoxiu looked at the paper, and his mood was not good, and he could not control such emotions.

Zi Lingxi is still gently pulling Huang Luoxiu's sleeve, "Brother..."

This time Zi Ling's anxious voice came with a sobbing tone.

Huang Luoxiu naturally couldn't see Zi Lingxi like this. He also felt distressed at her sobbing tone.

Huang Luoxiu turned to touch Zi Lingxi's hair, "It's nothing, just think the girl has grown up."

Listening to Huang Luoxiu's tone, Zi Lingxi just felt that something was wrong. Just now her brother hadn't done this.

Zi Lingxi grumbled, crying, "Brother, brother..."

Huang Luoxiu had a headache, rubbed his forehead with his hand, and then showed the paper to Zi Lingxi, "Look at it."

Zi Lingxi looked at the poem on the paper. After reading it, he was stunned. "Brother, did you write it to me?"

After talking, Zi Lingxi realized that something was wrong, and his brother's handwriting was not like this.

Brother's character is definitely better than this one.

"Not written by my brother, where did this come from?"

Zi Lingxi didn't understand. Why did my brother let her see this?

Rao is Zi Lingxi's brain turning fast on weekdays, and this will also be some stunned reaction.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi's puzzled look, looked carefully, and asked, "Don't you know?"

"I don't know, why did my brother show me this? Where did it come from?"

Huang Luoxiu took a deep breath, he thought too much.

But he also realized that he cared more about this girl than he had imagined.

It was just a piece of paper, and there was anger in his heart, and there was darkness in his heart.

But this time, Huang Luoxiu's mood was much better, and the surrounding low air pressure also dissipated.

Huang Luoxiu said quietly: "This is what you saw in your notebook. It should be written by a boy. Someone started chasing the girl."

Zi Ling froze for a moment, and then remembered that the class leader Chen Liuchuan borrowed notes from her.

In the high math class, she needed to take notes and bring the book back, but when the get out of class was about to end, the class leader took a look at it and gave it to her.

She put it in her schoolbag and left it alone. It turned out that he put the paper in the notebook.

Zi Lingxi blinked her eyes, which would make sense.

After Zi Lingxi realized, she suddenly couldn't help but want to laugh.

She looked at Huang Luoxiu and said happily: "Is my brother jealous?"

She really didn't expect her brother to be jealous, but the way her brother was jealous, that's it!

Explain that my brother really cares about her, right?

So Zi Lingxi would only look at Huang Luoxiu's look seriously, the corners of his mouth were raised, his eyes were bright, and he almost looked at Huang Luoxiu without blinking.

Huang Luoxiu felt that he had been ridiculed by this girl.

Especially looking at the light in the girl's eyes, he suddenly had a hot face.

He turned his head, "Isn't it to give you a topic? Take it seriously."

Zi Lingxi couldn't help but want to laugh out loud, but she couldn't really anger her brother, so she tried to suppress the smile.

But Zi Lingxi also saw the redness in his brother's ear.

Is this brother shy?

As if discovering the New World, Zi Lingxi was astonished.

In order to cover up his emotions, Huang Luoxiu began to give a serious lecture to Zi Lingxi.

But after he finished talking, he found that Zi Lingxi didn't speak. He looked at Zi Lingxi, just in front of her burning bright eyes.

"Are you listening?"

Zi Lingxi pursed her lips and said, "Brother, are you shy?"

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