And Huang Luoxiu's identity is not something that a person like Liu Ziqiao can check.

Zi Lingxi's identity information, Huang Luoxiu also used his ability to make people cover up.

Therefore, whether it is Huang Luoxiu's true identity or Zi Lingxi's true background, and the true relationship with Huang Luoxiu, the Liu family cannot find out.

So the news that Liu Ziqiao found was only part of it, and it was not true.

So she dared to be so rampant.

It is also true that Zi Lingxi is not in his eyes.

She thinks that Zi Lingxi is an orphan, has no backscaping ability, and does not know what means of humiliation, staying beside Huang Luoxiu.

After Liu Ziqiao scolded for a long time, he thought about it and arranged to the assistant: "I will go to the General Assembly for a while, this Zi Lingxi, huh, it turned out to be Zi Lingxi!"

With that said, Liu Ziqiao arranged the assistant at home to drive her directly to Zi Lingxi.

In the past few days, she had long wanted to know this Purple Lingxi for a while.

But their family elders, although they are rampant on weekdays, are also aware of bullying and fear.

Some people with backgrounds do not dare to offend them casually. After all, this also involves family businesses.

They can be rampant abroad, relying on the strength of the family, and the good development of the family business, in order to provide them with money, let them spend abroad, and support the name of their eldest lady.

But Zi Lingxi's orphan without any background, but she thought about how to handle it, Huang Luoxiu would not treat her like that.

Liu Ziqiao did not do such a thing on weekdays.

So at this time, for Zi Lingxi, she didn't think there was anything.

Instead, she felt that she could face Zi Lingxi in person.

Liu Ziqiao knew which classroom Zi Lingxi was studying in this afternoon, and walked over directly.

An assistant went directly to Zi Lingxi and said, "Miss Zi, our elder lady wants to see you."

Zi Lingxi looked at the person in front of her and froze. Who wants to see her?

She didn't know anything at all.

Zi Lingxi's expression moved, and soon she recovered, and her vigilance was very strong. "I'm sorry, I don't know you."

Zi Lingxi felt stranger, she didn't need to see her. She was busy attending self-study and said that she would see her when she saw her.

The assistant followed her eldest lady on a normal day.

She personally checked the identity of Zi Lingxi and knew that this was an orphan.

It is estimated that Huang Luoxiu bought the money.

People of this background dare to slap her face, really what they are.

"Miss Zi, you really take yourself seriously, hum!"

Zi Lingxi's face also froze. "You are a stranger. Someone outside sees me. Do I see you, walk slowly, don't send!"

Zi Lingxi made a eviction order.

The man was also angry. As an assistant to the young lady, she would not be able to give her face in the way.

She also ignored the words and said: "Miss Zi, what do you think you are noble, what you wear is not for people to keep, you are an orphan, where the money comes from, what you have done without people Say it, still pretending to be noble, ah, to whom to show it!"

The assistant didn't give Zi Lingxi a face at all, so he said it out loud.

All the people studying in the study room suddenly looked at this side.

Everyone was surprised, some people looked at Zi Lingxi with contempt.

Zi Lingxi listened, and then watched everyone's reaction, his face blue and white.

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