There were a lot of whispers in the study room, and Zi Lingxi could hear it even if she didn't want to pretend to hear it.

She wanted to erupt on the spot.

At this time she began to complain about Yang Manqin.

But Yang Manqin was also good enough to make Cha Qingluo change her.

However, Zi Lingxi calmed down and thought about Yang Manqin, it seemed that she did not do too much, she just had a strange personality.

It was only herself that Zi Lingxi could blame.

Why is she an orphan?

Zi Lingxi was a little bit **** at this time.

Because she had an inferiority complex, she had little courage when facing Huang Luoxiu.

Every time she used her guts to do those things to Huang Luoxiu.

She was actually very timid in her bones, and every time she wanted to seduce her brother, when she was close to her brother, she also felt guilty.

Every time she cheered herself up, she could have the courage to get closer to her brother.

She already had those emotions in her heart. At this time, she was stimulated by the surrounding eyes and words, and the whole person would explode.

Zi Lingxi really wanted to roar, what to say!

Zi Lingxi's whole body burst into anger, and she glanced coldly around the people who were looking at her.

Her eyes were almost the same as killing people. Those few people had looked at her unscrupulously. At this time, she was stared at her, and there was a chill in her back.

Zi Lingxi snorted, then packed up and left the study room with a schoolbag.

After Zi Lingxi left, the glared people still felt cold all over.

They have to admit that Zi Lingxi's aura is too strong.

Zi Lingxi's aura is very strong, making everyone have to wonder about Zi Lingxi's identity.

"Is Zi Lingxi really an orphan? This imposing atmosphere doesn't look like it!"

"And if it is really an orphan and has no power and no power, how can it have such a good temperament."

"It is said that temperament was developed from an early age, and it is impossible to support it with a few clothes the day after tomorrow."

"Just now her eyes seemed to kill."

"Even if she wanted to kill, she didn't dare to blatantly kill in the study room, but who was the handsome man during the military training that day?"

"Think of it, the man seems to be Zi Lingxi's brother? Ah... so, people are not orphans, they are all rumors..."


No matter how others are discussing in the study room, Zi Lingxi has walked out of the teaching building and can't hear those people's discussions.

At this time her brain was chaotic.

Liu Ziqiao's words always echoed in her mind. She really wanted to tear Liu Ziqiao's mouth.

Zi Lingxi carrying a schoolbag, walking on the school campus, walking aimlessly.

As she walked, she came to a row of trees by the school river. Here was a small garden with lush trees and seats.

There are many people reading and studying here.

Although it is the autumn season, in the afternoon, the weather is still very warm, especially when the sun is shining and the breeze is blowing, and the whole person will be awake a lot.

Zi Lingxi looked at it, all feeling a little trance.

In fact, she is envious of those couples. She can study together, study together, eat together, and not alone.

At this time, Zi Lingxi felt a sense of loneliness.

But she walked along, and suddenly saw Liu Ningning and Luo Yanxiao sitting on the bench.

The relationship between these two people is really good now, and they both look in the eyes.

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