Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5616: Don't allow her to escape

Zi Lingxi listened to this sentence, and the obedient did not dare to disturb.

Although she did not dare to move, she could still feel Huang Luoxiu's burning sight.

Make her body feel hotter.

She moved slightly and gathered her clothes together.

Huang Luoxiu looked at the sky and reached out to Zi Lingxi to gather his clothes.

His fingers will naturally touch her skin.

His fingers were as cool as jade, but her skin was still hot, so accidentally touching, aroused a series of electric currents.

Zi Lingxi shivered and shrank.

"Don't worry, don't touch you now."

At this time when Huang Luoxiu spoke, his voice was hoarse.

Such a low-alcohol with a magnetic voice, it is really touching the heartstrings, tickling the hearts of people.

And Huang Luoxiu's breath is so good, elegant and touching, confusing her heart.

Confused, Zi Lingxi was collected by Huang Luoxiu.

Huang Luoxiu wrapped Zi Lingxi with his coat.

The package is strict.

After all, the buttons of Zi Lingxi's shirt were stretched out by him.

After wrapping up Zi Lingxi, Huang Luoxiu took Zi Lingxi into the car.

Zi Lingxi confusedly said: "Brother, are we going back?"

"Well, go back, I will lock the door, I will drive back, go back in the evening to have a good meal and rest, if you still want to come back, I will accompany you back when you are on the weekend."

Hearing this remark, Zi Ling Xi was relieved.

Huang Luoxiu was driving very steady. When Zi Lingxi was in the car, she was very at ease and had a sense of security. She soon fell asleep.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi's quiet sleeping face, and his expression eased.

All the anger is gone.

Huang Luoxiu also had to admit that Zi Lingxi could completely affect his emotions.

Since the girl took the initiative to hug him and kiss him, he would not allow her to escape.

He also began to realize that she had grown up.

Once he started, he put her in her heart, she could not escape if she wanted to escape.

As long as she obediently stays by his side, she can give her whatever she wants. As the heir of the Black Dragon Party, he can give Zi Lingxi any other woman.

But if Zi Lingxi angered him, he would also like to kill.

For example, today, she walked so close to other boys and said that she laughed, and he could not control his emotions after reading it.

Zi Lingxi slept deeply in the car, and at nine o'clock in the evening, the car arrived at the apartment outside T Dawai.

After Huang Luoxiu parked the car, he gently took Zi Lingxi upstairs.

It wasn't until he entered the apartment that Zi Lingxi woke up.

She felt a good night's sleep.

Huang Luoxiu felt the movement in his arms and looked down, "Woke up?"

Zi Lingxi nodded, "This is?"

"We went back to the apartment, and I took you to bed."

Zi Lingxi struggled, "I slept for a long time, and now I'm not sleepy, I get down first."

Huang Luoxiu held Zi Lingxi, but actually did not want to let go, just wanted to keep holding like this, "What do you want to do?"

Huang Luoxiu's expression seemed to mean that Zi Lingxi wanted to do what he wanted to do.

Zi Lingxi could feel this time, and her brother's attitude towards her changed obviously, as if she valued her.

Before, Zi Lingxi had always been confused. This would take a nap and the whole person would be awake.

She also regained some reason, and she blushed slightly in Huang Luoxiu's arms, "I don't want to go to bed to rest, I want to talk to my brother."

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