Zi Lingxi was talking with Cha Qingluo, and suddenly saw Liu Ziqiao popping up, frowning.

She leaned aside defensively, her hands were alert, ready to fan out.

She Zi Lingxi is not a bully.

And now she feels what her brother cares about her, what else is she terrible!

Liu Ziqiao didn't notice Zi Lingxi's expression. She thought of Liu's current situation and Huang Luoxiu's appearance. She was shaking all over.

She was really scared.

She had never known Huang Luoxiu before, at most she was a classmate, and she didn't even know his ability to survive.

Now that she knows, she has no place to cry if she wants to cry.

Huang Luoxiu is definitely a character she can't mess with, even if she loses to the entire Liu family, she can't dispel Huang Luoxiu's anger.

She now knows that Huang Luoxiu is most concerned about Zi Lingxi.

She did provoke people who should not provoke, and the one she should not provoke was Zi Lingxi.

But she knew it now, and it didn't work.

On the phone just now, the Liu family scolded her so clearly.

She even understood that if she could not keep her family, she might be killed by her family.

Liu Ziqiao ran over in one breath.

She looked at Zi Lingxi just like looking at the life-saving straw. "Zi Lingxi, please, save Liu's family. It was my Liu Ziqiao's fault before. Your adults don't remember the villains. You beat me and stabbed me. Yes, can you put the Liu family..."

Liu Ziqiao was really shocked.

She was scared by Huang Luoxiu's momentum in the private room and threatened. When she left the private room and heard the voices of the Liu family on the phone, she was really in a panic.

She even forgot to respond at this time and lost her mind.

She just instinctively begged Zi Lingxi.

Zi Lingxi was completely embarrassed. Looking at Liu Ziqiao crying and begging her humble look at this time, did she think Liu Ziqiao was out of her mind?

She still remembered how Liu Ziqiao used to be domineering and aggressive.

It's been a while since I saw this.

Liu Ziqiao cried and begged Zi Lingxi.

Zi Lingxi's mouth twitched, "You... are you taking the wrong medicine?"

Zi Lingxi is really not used to watching such a woman in front of herself.

If you ask for help, you can't talk well.

Liu Ziqiao shook his head hard, just like the rattle, "No, no, I didn't take the wrong medicine. Only you can save the Liu family. It was my brain that used to threaten you. Your adults don't remember the villains..."

After all, Liu Ziqiao did not apologize, and did not know how to apologize. He could only keep begging Zi Lingxi to let go of the Liu family.

Zi Lingxi seemed to understand something by saying a few words, "What does your Liu family have to do with me?"

"Huang Luoxiu... he cares most about you... he is to exhale you, he is terrible... so terrible, only you can let him spare Liu family..."

Zi Lingxi looked at Liu Ziqiao and said that Huang Luoxiu was trembling. "Don't you like Huang Luoxiu? Why are you afraid of him?"

Zi Lingxi looked at Liu Ziqiao like this and wanted to laugh.

"No, no, he is terrible..."

How dare she like that dark and scary person, unless she is dead.

Zi Lingxi frowned, was his brother scary?

She doesn't think her brother is terrible.

She thinks her brother is good.

But she also thought of her brother's strangeness last night, her eyes flickered.

Even if her brother is terrible, she is not afraid.

He was a little out of control last night, but still caring about her body, she is not stupid, she can feel the care of her brother.

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