Huang Luoxiu has never had such a nervous mood, but when faced with Zi Lingxi, he found that it was a bit different from himself.

All the emotions that weren't supposed to have appeared.

Huang Luoxiu knew the girl's affection and her emotions were well controlled.

As long as the girl does not want to leave him, he will not breed dark emotions.

Zi Lingxi listened to his brother's voice and returned to Shinto: "Brother, why am I afraid of you? I'm not afraid of my brother. My brother feels very safe to protect me."

This is the real thought of Zi Lingxi. If her brother is very powerful, she has a feeling of being covered.

As the saying goes, it is good to cool off under the big tree.

Zi Lingxi still has a feeling of joy in her heart.

But when thinking of Huang Luoxiu's identity and family background, Zi Lingxi was also a little uneasy. "Brother has done such a thing to others, and don't allow me."

Huang Luoxiu's expression eased, "No, you are my brother."

He will never let go of the girl again.

This girl is his, no one can take the girl away.

Thinking, Huang Luoxiu's eyes flashed a gloomy glimmer of light, a dark and cold breath, so that all the subordinates around him had a spine chill.

Hearing Huang Luoxiu's affirmation, Zi Lingxi smiled happily.

No matter what she said on the phone before, Huang Luoxiu was cold and indifferent. What she said was also coaxing, which made people feel his sincerity.

Now she can hear her brother's words with emotion and domineering, she is very beautiful in her heart.

She said happily: "Okay, I belong to my brother."

At this time Huang Luoxiu felt that his thoughts would become more intense through the phone.

I just didn't see him in the morning, and a phone call aroused the thoughts in his heart.

Huang Luoxiu's throat rolled down: "Lingxi, are there any lessons this afternoon?"

Zi Lingxi shuddered, thinking, my brother asked, did she take her out to play?

"No class in the afternoon, will my brother accompany me? I'm bored."

After Zi Lingxi knew Huang Luoxiu's feelings for her, she decided to hit the iron while it was hot, so that she would not pretend to be pretentious.

Huang Luoxiu said: "Okay, I will go to your school to find you later."

Huang Luoxiu heard Zi Lingxi's words, and felt that he was needed, and his tone was a lot slower. Listen carefully, and he could hear a shallow smile inside.

Huang Luoxiu didn't really like to talk over the phone.

After putting this girl in his heart, he wanted to watch her listen to her, because then she could see her look and know what she was thinking.

Instead of relying on speculation now.

Zi Lingxi just said that, in fact, she was not sure that her brother would come to the school to find her.

Because she used to be coquettish before, and wanted her brother to accompany her more, but at that time, her brother also coaxed her at most, and rarely said she would come to the school to find her.

So this time, after hearing Huang Luoxiu say this, Zi Lingxi froze for a moment.

Immediately after, her heart jumped.

Does your brother care about her now?

Otherwise, she will not come to the school to find her and accompany her.

Zi Lingxi said happily: "I miss my brother. Come and see me soon!"

Listening to Zi Ling Xi Jiao's tone, Huang Luoxiu smiled, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Luoxiu went directly to t.

Seeing Zi Lingxi standing in front of the school gate, Huang Luoxiu felt at ease in his heart.

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