When Cha Qingluo said this, he was also a little uneasy and uncertain.

But looking at the smile in Nan Jiateng's eyes, she felt that she would support herself.

She actually likes to watch Nan Jiateng laugh, there is a feeling of spring breeze blowing.

When he laughed, the whole person seemed to have a moving halo, so soft and soft.

Let her indulge in front of him.

But I don't know why. When Nan Jiateng became serious, she dared not make trouble.

In fact, she just cares too much about his emotions and doesn't want to make him unhappy.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo's cute look, stood up, walked in front of her, and touched her hair, "Naturally will support you, prepare for the game, don't worry about it, I will arrange it."

Zi Lingxi looked at Nan Jiateng, who was so calm and calm, and had a feeling of worship in her heart.

Such Nanjia Teng, as if everything is under control, so calm and calm.

Cha Qingluo looked at him, his eyes brighter.

Cha Qingluo felt that Nan Jiateng was so charming at this time.

Cha Qingluo really has a feeling that he can't help but want to get closer again.

But before waiting for her to move forward, Nan Jiateng has turned around.

He went there to pour water on the tea.

Cha Qingluo stood still, stunned, aftertaste the feeling that Nan Jiateng just touched her head.

There is also Nan Jiateng's smile, so soft and bright, so intoxicating.

Cha Qingluo felt that he smiled brighter and more beautiful than spring flowers.

Cha Qingluo felt that Nan Jiateng was pretty.

When Nan Jiateng poured good water and placed it in front of her, Cha Qingluo regained his mind, blinking his clear eyes and asked, "Nan Jiateng, do you believe me that way?"

Nan Jiateng looked deeply at Cha Qingluo and said seriously: "I believe in your ability and your strength."

Cha Qingluo's drawing skills, he can see at a glance, very good.

And those of the painting society, no one has the painting skills comparable to Cha Qingluo.

So this time, there is a quota for tea.

As for what she wanted to draw, he supported her.

As the president of the student union, some rights still exist.

And he has been the president of the student union since his freshman year, and his accumulated authority is there.

No matter what he said, no one would refute.

However, Nan Jiateng had never asked these things before. There were painting competitions over the years, which were decided by the painting society. Now, for the sake of tea, Nan Jiateng is an exception.

Hearing Nan Jiateng's belief, Cha Qingluo's heart was full of waves.

It seemed to involve her.

Some emotions spread like this all at once.

She was a little excited and moved.

Just because he said believe her.

Cha Qingluo took a deep breath and said, "Nan Jiateng, I will play well and will not disappoint your trust."

Nan Jiateng smiled gently, "It's just a game, don't be so nervous, relax, just play your strength, you should play, the score is not important."

Nan Jiateng did not want Cha Qingluo to be too nervous, so comforted her like this.

As everyone knows, Cha Qingluo listened to his soothing and gentle words, and she became more energetic.

Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng and met his soft light.

She felt that Nan Jiateng would take good care of others and would comfort others.

He will hurt his girlfriend in the future, right?

Cha Qingluo really wanted to be Nan Jiateng's girlfriend.

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