Cha Qingluo ran back to the dormitory, sitting on the bed, her heart was still beating.

She covered her heart with her hand, where she was still dancing like a drum.

She felt that she was getting bolder in front of Nan Jiateng.

Of course, she had to admit that her face was getting thicker.

Cha Qingluo lay on the bed happily, rolled down under the quilt, and all laughed.

She clenched her hands into fists, a gesture of cheering.

She found that she had to be thick-skinned to Nan Jiateng.

No, he is willing to agree to be her boyfriend.

In fact, she didn't know how she said this suddenly.

But this time, she recalled, she felt that she would applaud herself.

Boldly applauded her bravery.

Cha Qingluo was lying in bed, constantly recalling the scene he had just been with Nan Jiateng and what he had said.

Thinking, the corner of her mouth kept rising.

She was all excited.

She thought about hurrying up the competition and rushing out the results. She won the prize and he would promise her boyfriend.

At that time, she could dominate Nanjia Teng, and she could also have someone to go out and play with her.

When Cha Qingluo was in a daze, the dormitory door opened.

Cha Qingluo turned his head and saw Yang Manqin.

"Master, why are you back?"

These days Yang Manqin returned home, and did not come to class. Cha Qingluo suddenly saw Yang Manqin appearing, but he was stunned.

But she was happy, the smile on her face had not been put away.

Yang Manqin put the schoolbag on the table and said, "This is a snack prepared for you. Why is it so happy?"

Cha Qingluo is a personal essence, the most clever. She hurried forward and said happily: "Isn't this seeing Master coming? So I'm very happy. The students didn't see Master for several days."

Cha Qingluo didn't know why. In front of Yang Manqin, he would involuntarily become naive, just like a child.

In fact, Yang Manqin gives a serious and cold feeling, and the temperament of the whole person is calm and mountain-like.

Not like girls at all.

Cha Qingluo likes to read novels on a weekday, so it naturally brings the sense of novels out, and likes to call Master Yang Manqin. It seems that there are people who are covering her.

Of course, Yang Manqin is very protective of her on weekdays. Anything delicious and fun will be brought to her.

Her cabinet was full of things.

Moreover, what Yang Manqin brought her was something she had not eaten on weekdays, and many of them were snacks shipped from abroad.

Yang Manqin listened to Cha Qingluo's words, and his expression softened. He touched Cha Qingluo's hair. "Hungry, let's open and eat. It's all for you."

"Master is so kind to the disciples."

Cha Qingluo opened the snack and ate it eagerly.

Although she was full at noon, she was now at four o'clock and she was hungry.

So eating snacks, she smiled with a curvy eyebrow.

Eating and eating, Cha Qingluo looked at Yang Manqin and suddenly realized that Master had raised her as a daughter.

But she is very strange, why Yang Manqin is so good to her?

To be honest, she has been with Yang Manqin for so long, and she can't figure out Yang Manqin's character.

Others say that she is weird and not easy to get along with, but she thinks that if Yang Manqin is good to someone, it is really very short and very good.

Thinking of her about everything.

Yang Manqin will care about her even if he returns home.

If she is there on weekdays, the class will occupy the whole dormitory.

Of course, she looked cold.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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