Cha Qingluo looked at Master's cold and clear look and sighed.

To be honest, she didn't know what Yang Manqin was interested in.

She can see that in many cases, Yang Manqin's eyes are like Gujing, without waves.

She sometimes sits there and stands there, as if immersed in her own world, she does not talk to people, and she feels too cold.

She rarely sees Yang Manqin laughing.

I don't know what she is really interested in.

Cha Qingluo looked at Yang Manqin like this, but he was also a little sad.

She did not know why she was sad, just because Yang Manqin could not be seen.

"Master, life is actually very beautiful. If you look more, observe more, you might find something you are interested in. You smile more, as the saying goes, you smile, less ten years."

Yang Manqin looked at Cha Qingluo's preaching, his mouth moved, and he didn't speak.

Cha Qingluo looked at Yang Manqin's expressionless face and reached out to hold Yang Manqin's hand: "Master, I have said so much, how come you don't even have an expression, so I smile."

"Okay, don't worry about me. Go ahead and prepare for your painting competition! Isn't it going to be a competition soon?"

Yang Manqin knew that Cha Qingluo valued his achievements this time.

It was because Nan Jiateng agreed to her condition.

Although Yang Manqin was uncomfortable in her heart, she said nothing about Cha Qingluo's happy appearance.

"I will prepare for the game, but Master, you also smile and have fun."

Yang Manqin touched Cha Qingluo's hair, and a glare passed under his eyes.

There are some things she can't tell Cha Qingluo, and she won't understand.

Yang Manqin looked at Cha Qingluo's coquettish look, and watched her hold her hand, her look changed.

Will she be sad if she is gone?

Yang Manqin seemed to think of something, and his expression moved. She pulled down the tea-pulling hands and asked her to sit down next to it.

Cha Qingluo looked at Yang Manqin's serious look and always felt that Yang Manqin wanted to say something to her.

"Master, what are you going to say?"

"I just want to tell you that I am happy to know you as an apprentice, but Master's emotions will not show on his face. When Master is not by your side, remember to think about Master."

Cha Qingluo's heart beat, Yang Manqin always felt strange at this time.

But she didn't think much.

Anyway, on weekdays, Yang Manqin is also very strange.

Probably due to character!

Cha Qingluo nodded cleverly.

Yang Manqin spoke to Cha Qingluo again, and then said: "It's not early, I still have something to do, go back first."

"Master, have you stopped taking classes these days?"

"No class at this time, maybe you will come back before the exam, maybe..."

Maybe it won't come back.

Yang Manqin sighed in his heart. Don't tell Cha Qingluo these!

"Why didn't Master take classes?"

Cha Qingluo couldn't understand it now, if he didn't come to class or exam, what would he do in university?

Was it because Yang Manqin was bored, so he was admitted to the university?

This... how smart and talented should she be?

But think about it, even if Yang Manqin doesn't come to school, just go to a school, life will not be affected in the future.

After all, her family strength is there, and later Yang Manqin can inherit the family industry.

With the genius thinking in the background, she may really not understand.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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