Cha Qingluo said that this sentence did not blame Nan Jia Teng.

She really wanted to play well.

But Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo like this.

A good person, after the game, became so weak, he really blamed himself.

However, Nan Jiateng is also a person with restrained emotions. His inner emotions are only hidden in his heart, hidden in his eyes, and let him say it on his mouth, it is really difficult.

Nan Jiateng's throat moved, and he didn't say anything after all.

He just poured tea on the tea, put the vegetables in her bowl, "eat more."

Cha Qingluo felt Nan Jiateng's concern and smiled happily, the corner of his mouth raised upward.

In fact, Cha Qingluo's face was pale at this time, and he looked very weak. With such a smile, he had a stunning beauty.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo's smile, and his eyes flashed, "Want to have a drink?"

Tea Qingluo shook his head, "Can't drink beverages, I just drink some hot water."

As he said, Cha Qingluo turned his head, "There is free porridge over there, drink some porridge."

As soon as Cha Qingluo finished talking, Nan Jiateng stood up and went to the place where he received the porridge, and took two bowls of porridge.

Come back and put it in front of Cha Qingluo, "It's a little hot, I'll drink it later."

Cha Qingluo looked at it, and then looked at Nan Jiateng seriously, reaching for his hand.

Nan Jiateng looked down at Cha Qingluo and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cha Qingluo pursed her lips, could she say that she wanted to take his hand?

Nan Jiateng was stunned for a while, so he continued to look down at Cha Qingluo and asked patiently, "But what's wrong?"

Suddenly, Nan Jiateng felt strange, "Qingluo, why are your hands so hot?"

With that, Nan Jiateng reached out to touch Cha Qingluo's forehead. "The forehead is also very hot, is it a fever?"

Cha Qingluo didn't feel feverish, she still felt a little cold.

Nan Jiateng insisted: "Qingluo, you are obedient, I will take you to the infirmary to see, you are sick like this."

"I'm not sick, I just didn't have a good rest, I just ate and ate hot."

Nan Jiateng was a little helpless, but Cha Qingluo was so stubborn.

Nan Jiateng frowned, he was really worried about tea pouring.

Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng's expression, especially when he stood and looked at her like this, she could not eat well.

She grunted and rubbed her face in a low voice: "It's really okay, I just... just came to the big aunt."

When saying this, Cha Qingluo's voice was very low to the back.

The low Nan Jiateng was a little inaudible.

But even if it sounded a little vague, Nan Jiateng heard it.

He instantly understood what was going on.

Although he didn't know much about girls, he knew the physiological knowledge he should have.

Nan Jiateng froze for a while, pondered, and said softly: "Are you uncomfortable now?"

Cha Qingluo's face was even redder, and she shook her head. "No, not uncomfortable. I'll eat first, and you will eat too."

Cha Qingluo didn't dare to look at Nan Jiateng's face at this time.

In fact, Nan Jiateng's face was slightly warm, but fortunately, Cha Qingluo didn't look at him, and his emotions were suppressed after a while.

Cha Qingluo was well fed, and she was much better, but still uncomfortable. She had to go back to rest.

Cha Qingluo stood up, ready to take the tray and place it in the tray.

Nan Jiateng seemed to see something, and his face changed, holding Cha Qingluo's hand, "Don't move."

Cha Qingluo rarely saw Nan Jiateng's so serious look, she was shocked.

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