When I heard Luo Yanxiao's words, Liu Ningning only felt that her heart was hit, that is, the softest place in her heart was poked, soft and soft, with warm water flowing through the heart field, warm The warmth made her eyes slightly sore.

Luo Yanxiao's words really talked to her heart and heart.

Liu Ningning really wanted to go home with Luo Yanxiao and wanted to go to his house, the big room, she liked it very much, she wanted to sleep in the big room.

Waking up in the morning, the sun shining through the window mullion, warm, there must be a comfortable feeling.

Liu Ningning imagined that there was a feeling of relaxation.

Liu Ningning's eyelashes were trembling, his lips moved, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

She especially thanked Luo Yanxiao, he was really good to her.

But she was also afraid, she did not dare to rely on.

Luo Yanxiao had just said that, and it was also in his heart. He was also a bit lonely and bored in the room. He thought that if Liu Ningning also came back with him, they could talk in the room, which should be more lively.

Liu Ningning calmed his heart and made him feel warm and relaxed.

But after saying this, he didn't hear Liu Ningning's words, he said with some worry: "Ning Ning?"

He was afraid that his sudden words would scare Liu Ningning.

He didn't want to force Liu Ningning, but this was his inner thought.

"Ning Ning, I really think so and take you home."

Home is really a very beautiful word.

Especially for her, who lives in the countryside and lives in a big city, it is just like duckweed. Even in school, she has no sense of belonging.

In fact, duckweed is drifting, and the heart is lonely.

Even if you are homesick, you can’t go home just like others.

Her home is far away, although she misses home, but every time she goes back, she has to ride for a long time and back up.

No one knows her hard work, so she does not know how much she desires a sense of belonging and a sense of security.

And Luo Yanxiao really can give her this feeling.

Liu Ningning sucked his nose and said, "Well, okay."

Upon hearing Liu Ningning's agreement, Luo Yanxiao missed a beat.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't see Liu Ningning's expression, he could only judge by his voice to guess Liu Ningning's emotions.

Luo Yanxiao was a little excited, so to speak, Ning Ning was willing to go home with him.

"My parents are actually better at talking, so don't worry too much."


With Luo Yanxiao's words, Liu Ningning felt more at ease.

She was actually worried about Luo Yanxiao's parents' attitude.

Even Luo Yanxiao comforted her, but she just needed a word of comfort to be practical.

"Are you talking with your uncle and aunt?"

"Well, they are very happy, Ning Ning, what you said is actually right, parents love children, maybe they didn’t know how to express...Now they are very good to me, but they are old, I think It's not a taste in my heart, I didn't expect them to have white hair..." Luo Yanxiao always said a lot in front of Liu Ningning.

It seems that a lot of things can be said.

He has a sense of trust in him.

Listening to Luo Yanxiao saying this, Liu Ningning also thought of his parents.

Maybe the parents work hard all the year round, the sun blows in the field, the old is also fast, a lot of white hair, half of the hair is white.

When I think of my parents, Liu Ningning's nose is sore, "Well, you accompany them more."

Luo Yanxiao listened to Liu Ningning's voice and asked, "Ning Ning, what's wrong with you? Are you crying?"

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