At a high speed, Liu Ningning breathed the air here, and felt a sense of intimacy.

Unexpectedly, driving home was really fast, and I got home in a blink of an eye.

Maybe it was because Luo Yanxiao was nearby, so she felt happy every minute and every second.

When I got home, the navigation was not very useful. Sometimes the navigation guided the path, which was not standard, or Liu Ningning directed which way to go.

So the car went from town to the country, and soon arrived.

Liu Ningning drove outside and looked at the scene in the village, almost crying.

Before she went to college, she really didn't go so far from home.

Now that I am home, I feel really different.

As soon as she arrived home, she could watch her parents and brothers and sisters standing in the doorway waiting.

Seems to be waiting for her to go home.

After the car entered the village, many villagers were watching.

In fact, no one has seen such a luxury car.

Such a luxury car, everyone looked at it, could not help but wonder, who guessed the relatives who came.

In the village, everyone else knows something.

"Who is this?"

"This car is very expensive at first glance."

"We have never seen such an attractive car in town."

"I haven't heard of any relatives who will come today."

"Isn't the Liu family back from school?"

"His daughter-in-law is so powerful that she was admitted to the t-major, and in these ten miles and eight villages, no one has ever been admitted to the t-major."

"No, look at the girls raised by others. It's so good to study, it's really exciting!"


Everyone talked and talked, looking at the direction of the car, and really stopped at the door of Liujia.

Luo Yanxiao stopped the car, Liu Ningning opened the seat belt, and got out of the car excitedly, "Parent."

Father Liu and Mother Liu looked at the car in front of them, but they were all ignorant. When they saw her daughter getting out of the car, she really felt a little bit unconscious.

It's really dizzy.

The daughter called before and said that she came back with her boyfriend today.

Father Liu and Mother Liu were not feudal, and if their thoughts were really not open to enlightenment, they would not let their daughter go to school.

So the daughter has a boyfriend. Although they are worried, they are not against it.

After all, her daughter goes to school alone, and if a boyfriend treats her well, they can actually rest assured.

I was afraid that my daughter would delay study or fail to protect herself.

This is what parents worry most about.

But after seeing her daughter get off the car, the father and mother Liu could not recognize it.

This... this is really their daughter, look better, fatter, skin is much better, beautiful, and spirited!

It feels like a child raised in the city, not like a child in the country.

After all, it was her daughter who looked excited. "Ai, Ai, just come back."

The boy and girl beside him shouted Liu Ningning happily, "Sister, sister..."

Liu Ningning nodded as he saw his brother and sister.

Luo Yanxiao got out of the car and took something from the trunk.

Liu Ningning suddenly recovered, then walked to Luo Yanxiao and introduced to his parents: "My parents, this is my boyfriend Luo Yanxiao."

Father Liu and Mother Liu looked at the distinguished young man in front of her and were shocked and did not know how to react.

"Aunt and uncle, how are you? I am Liu Ningning's boyfriend Luo Yanxiao. I came here rashly, very embarrassed, and caused trouble to my uncle and aunt."

"No trouble, no trouble, Yan Xiao, hurry, come in quickly, the house is a bit dilapidated, I'm afraid you won't adapt."

"No, I think it's fine."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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