After Liu Ningning said this to Luo Yanxiao, he was ready to hurry out of the house.

After all, the two were in a room, and it was quite ambiguous. The atmosphere was a bit hot, and she caught fire when she stayed.

And she could feel that the room was full of Luo Yanxiao's breath, and her heart beat faster.

When Liu Ningning was about to walk out of the house, Luo Yanxiao grabbed her and bowed her head to print a kiss on her forehead.

Very light, "Well, good night, go to bed early."

"OK, good night."

With that said, Liu Ningning came out of the house.

Then I went to another room, where my mother and sister were still talking.

Liu Ningning walked over, and Liu Liu took her hand and sat down, "Ning Ning, I think Luo Yanxiao is good. She is very serious and self-cultivated. It is very good to see the tutor. You two talk If he is in love, will his parents agree?"

Liu Ningning followed him, "I don't know, but I think he is serious. Should he convince his parents?"

"Ning Ning, Mom also hopes that you can be happier, and Mom also hopes you can find a good one, but you also know our family background, Yan Xiao's child has a good family at first glance, his parents may look down on you, Mom is from here, afraid that you will be wronged, Yan Xiao can stand by you at first. If the time is long, his mother keeps struggling, can his temper be always good? Can he always protect you? After all, he is with him Parents are close."

Listening to these, Liu Ningning was also at a loss. She didn't know what to do. She and her parents were conservative people. They felt that they were in a relationship.

"Mom, I don't know."

"Your child, Mom told you this, it wasn't uncomfortable for you, it was to remind you, that is, you should study hard, study hard, and don't be affected by feelings. If you have the ability in the future, you will naturally be worthy of Luo. Yanxiao."

Liu Ningning nodded, "Mom, you know what I said, I will work hard and not lose myself."

"Well, you have been sensible since you were a child. You don’t know much. Mom can’t help you much. You can’t give your daughter so much dowry and so much money like those with a good family, so everything is only Can work hard by yourself."

These are all facts. Mother Liu didn't want to tell her daughter, but now she has to.

"Mom, don't worry, I know what to do."

Liu Ningning immediately understood that her goal was to be a graduate student at the University of Kaunorbia.

And she also intends to study a second major when she is a sophomore, and learn more. She is not afraid of hardship.

Liu Ningning's sister listened beside him, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Sister, you can rest assured that I will work hard, and my brother and I will protect you in the future."

Listening to these words, Liu Ningning was a little touched. She still had relatives and family members. She was very warm in her heart.

The mother and daughter spoke, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, early in the morning, when the sky was dark, there was a chicken call in the village, which was a natural alarm clock.

There are also dog barks.

Luo Yanxiao woke up listening to the sound.

He fell asleep on the hot kang, and didn't expect that he was still relaxing and comfortable.

And everything on the mattress is sun-baked, with the smell of sunlight.

Luo Yanxiao stretched out and got up.

At this time Liu Ningning also got up and helped her mother cook at the stove.

She heard the voice and turned her head to see that Luo Yanxiao woke up.

She hurriedly took Luo Yanxiao to the yard, fetched water from the well for Luo Yanxiao, and then brought him ointment, toothbrush and tooth jar.

It’s all bought by my mother.

Liu Ningning didn't expect her mother to prepare everything so carefully.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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