Mother Liu gave Luo Yanxiao what she had prepared. "Although it is not valuable, it is a specialty at home. You go back and eat it."

When Mother Liu said this sentence, she was also a little embarrassed. She was really afraid of Luo Yanxiao's rejection.

Luo Yanxiao smiled happily and said, "Thank you Aunt, I have never eaten these things, and I can't buy them. Ning Ning is right. It's still something Aunt made that I want to eat in the future. "

"Come and play when you have time."

"Okay, I will. When I have time on the weekend, I will bring Liu Ningning back."

"Okay, okay..."

Liu Ningning had to admire that Luo Yanxiao really talked, and let her mother relax.

Seeing how relaxed and happy her mother was, she was grateful to Luo Yanxiao.

Liu Ningning thought, back to school, she had to be better at Luo Yanxiao.

The father Liu Liu explained many things before Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning were ready to get on the bus.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's younger brother and sister, stepped forward to touch their heads, and Wen Sheng asked, "Learn hard."

He looks like a big brother, which is really heart-warming.

"Well, my brother will come to play at home later."

"As long as your sister wants to go home, I will bring her back."

The meaning of Luo Yanxiao's words carries too many meanings, and also shows his sincere heart for Liu Ningning.

In fact, Liu Ningning's family is very grateful to Luo Yanxiao.

And what Luo Yanxiao just said made her feel warm.

In this way, will Luo Yanxiao drive her home in the future?

Two days back home, she felt particularly relaxed and relaxed.

It's like charging.

Tired of going to school outside, go home for such a trip, and then go back to school, I can get up and study again.

She felt that after going back, she was particularly energetic and energetic.

She was grateful to Luo Yanxiao for talking to her mother like that.

In fact, my mother really wanted to get something for Luo Yanxiao.

But the family did not come up with anything valuable, and her mother could only bring Luo Yanxiao some special agricultural products.

Just taking out these things, the mother was worried, too, so I might not be able to enter Luo Yanxiao's eyes.

I am afraid that Luo Yanxiao does not like these souvenirs.

But Luo Yanxiao's words dispelled her mother's worries and made her very happy.

Liu Ningning also admires Luo Yanxiao, she has no such ability to speak.

If she faces other people's elders, she probably doesn't know how to speak.

Luo Yanxiao watched that Liu Ningning was still carrying his schoolbag and took it naturally into the car. "Uncle and aunt, we will go back first. We will come back at the weekend, and you will have brothers and sisters. You must study hard. , What books are needed, I will bring you back..."

"Okay, okay..."

After the two people got on the bus, Luo Yanxiao drove out of the village and got on the road.

Luo Yanxiao said: "Is it very unhappy to them?"

"Well, I think parents and brothers and sisters."

Pausing, Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao seriously, and then looked, she suddenly leaned over and kissed Luo Yanxiao.

After kissing, Liu Ningning's heart will jump out.

She turned around quickly, a little unnaturally.

Luo Yanxiao was shocked and surprised again.

His throat rolled, "Ning Ning!"

Luo Yanxiao's voice was slightly hoarse.

At that moment, he almost missed the steering wheel, but fortunately he responded quickly and quickly stabilized the car.

But when he stabilized the car, his heart beat quickly.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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