Thinking of what Luo Yanxiao said, Liu Ningning was particularly excited.

His words echoed in her mind.

So this time, she was more confident in front of Luo Yanxiao.

Maybe in the future she will be more natural in front of Luo Yanxiao, and she can show some true temperament.

In fact, in the past, Liu Ningning had a low self-esteem in front of Luo Yanxiao, always restraining her mood, trying to make her sensible.

So that she, in fact, Luo Yanxiao's feeling is that there is something missing.

Also this time in Liu Ningning's hometown, Luo Yanxiao felt Liu Ningning's true nature.

He was very pleasantly surprised. Liu Ningning, who had a real temperament, surprised Luo Yanxiao and made her get along more naturally.

That kind of Liu Ningning made Luo Yanxiao feel real.

Liu Ningning leaned on Luo Yanxiao's arms at this time, and could hear Luo Yanxiao's powerful heartbeat.

Listening to Luo Yanxiao's heartbeat, Liu Ningning felt a sense of stability and security.

Liu Ningning's hand also stretched out around Luo Yanxiao's waist and hugged him hard.

She also said softly: "Well, I am, I am..."

At this moment, the inner feelings of both people deepened.

As if breaking through the previous layer of paper, there is more naturalness, no longer staying on the surface, no longer being cautious with the other party.

In fact, to put it bluntly, in the past, Liu Ningning dared not put her heart into it, and dared not invest too deeply.

But at this time, her heart throbbed, she was willing to believe Luo Yanxiao, willing to work for two people.

She couldn't let Luo Yanxiao consider her feelings unilaterally.

She should also take care of Luo Yanxiao's feelings.

Liu Ningning took a deep breath, his emotions calmed down and said, "Yan Xiao, I'm actually not a person who values ​​material. Although our family has no background and no money, but I don't worship money, I also think that you are the most precious. ."

It can be said that all of Liu Ningning's words and all the reactions made Luo Yanxiao excited and surprised.

Every word of her said to his heart, so that his heart was hot.

Luo Yanxiao's heart and the sea are full of waves.

He got up slightly and clasped Liu Ningning's head, kissed her lips, and kissed deeply.

This time Luo Yanxiao's kiss was very deep, with a fiery emotion.

He swallowed Liu Ningning's breath almost greedily, and drove straight in, breathing her breath and savoring her fragrance.

A very deep and deep kiss, a very long kiss.

Luo Yanxiao worked harder and harder, holding Liu Ningning firmly with his hands.

Both men's breathing became heavy.


Liu Ningning was panting, and some could not breathe.

Even so, Luo Yanxiao didn't let go of Liu Ningning. He was moving around now, feeling that this kiss was not enough, not enough...

He wanted to continue with greed...

Liu Ningning's body shook terribly. This kind of feeling was strange and strong. She felt her body feeling best.

She clung to Luo Yanxiao, her brain was blank and buzzing.

She wanted to speak, but Luo Yanxiao kissed her, she couldn't say the whole thing at all.

The sounds are all delicate and soft, with a breathing voice.

Some are gorgeous.

Liu Ningning's face was flushed, and she couldn't believe it, she made such a delicate and soft voice.

Luo Yanxiao's body temperature also rose, and his body temperature also became hot.

He held Liu Ningning, and Liu Ningning could feel the same as fire.

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