Nan Jiateng looked deeply at Cha Qingluo and looked at her with guilt and self-blame, crying and laughing.

It is really helpless.

The girl is still missing a string, missing a Qiqiao Linglong heart.

It may be said that she has the Qiqiao Linglong heart, but this heart has not been fully used on him.

How could he leave him alone after making him a boyfriend?

Nan Jiateng raised his eyebrows and looked at Cha Qingluo, with a bright and extinct light in his eyes.

Cha Qingluo really can't guess Nan Jiateng's thoughts.

Anyway, she felt that she was right.

Recently, she was busy setting up a factory, and she really ignored Nan Jiateng.

In fact, to put it bluntly, sometimes she is so busy that she forgets such a person as Nan Jiateng.

But when it was busy, standing in front of Nan Jiateng, she could still feel her heart beating uncontrollably.

Nan Jiateng stood in front of her, he was already tall, and looked at her from a condescending position, she felt that she was enveloped by his breath.

Her breath suffocated.

Her heart beat faster.

She discovered that she hadn't seen Nan Jiateng for such a long time, and she actually missed him.

She is also fascinated by his breath.

I just feel so clean and so good.

Strange, why did she only feel the smell of Nan Jiateng was good.

She seemed to be not herself in front of him, and her heart was beating quickly.

Nan Jiateng bowed his head slightly, and said in a teasing hoarse slightly: "Do you think the clothes I said, I still lack such a dress?"

Hearing this sentence, Cha Qingluo's heart missed a beat.

Because Nan Jiateng's voice was so low and hoarse, her breath was brushing against her ears, brushing it like a feather, making her itchy, and her heart trembling.

Cha Qingluo didn't know why, even when she felt Nan Jiateng's breath, she all felt dry.

She swallowed. "No... it's not clothes, what is it?"

Cha Qingluo was completely bewitched by Nan Jiateng and stunned, so at this time her head was blank, and she forgot to think and react.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo in such a silly way, and wanted to be angry, but couldn't get angry at her at all.

Nan Jiateng reached out and gently squeezed Cha Qingluo's cheek, and said in a deep voice: "Remember, who am I?"

Cha Qingluo was really dizzy at this moment, because Nan Jiateng was standing in front of her, very close to her, and looking at her so deeply, she couldn't control her heart at all Jumping around.

She just had a feeling of being bewitched. At this time, she couldn't even think about it, so she was conditionally reflexive, and instinctively answered, "South...Nan Jiateng..."

Hearing this answer, Nan Jiateng was obviously very dissatisfied.

His expression condensed, his thin lips pursed.

When he looked at Cha Qingluo, his eyes deepened.

Such deep-sighted Nan Jiateng and Cha Qingluo all have a feeling of wanting to escape.

It's a feeling of instinct.

Cha Qingluo walks with her heart, and her steps will move backwards.

Her actions really angered Nan Jiateng.

Nan Jiateng stretched out his hand and drew the tea into his arms, then bowed his head and kissed the tea's lips.

A very light kiss was just a tasting, but it also made Cha Qingluo's heart tremble fiercely.

Just a kiss made her numb.

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