Until now, Nan Jiateng still remembers the scene of the picnic day.

Before he had a picnic, he asked if Yang Manqin would come or not.

Yang Manqin said not to participate.

But that night, she appeared.

Everyone was attentive to her, she was cold like an ice sculpture and could freeze people three feet away.

She is different for tea pouring alone.

She is a family elder lady who even roasts and grills tea for herself.

She doesn't take a few bites herself, she just roasts the tea.

And she only smiled at Cha Qingluo.

It can be said that the two families are friends of the world, and he has never seen Yang Manqin treat anyone like this.

In fact, even if the two big families were friends, he had known each other for so long, and he did not know Yang Manqin by himself.

The day when Yang Manqin returned home from school, he also ran to his office specifically to warn him and make him treat tea better.

He knew that Yang Manqin was protecting tea.

But Yang Manqin is right, Cha Qingluo's character is really good.

She will not make trouble unreasonably, nor selfish.

She also brought him a lot of joy.

Cha Qingluo nodded, "Well, don't worry about that."

She thought Yang Manqin was sick!

She looked at Nan Jiateng silently, and reached out to shake his hand, "What are you thinking, why not talk?"

In fact, Cha Qingluo thinks that Nan Jiateng may be thinking of Yang Manqin.

Strangely, she was not angry at all and was not jealous.

Because this man is Yang Manqin and her master, her master's maintenance of her is clear to her.

She also knows that she is more important than Nanjiateng in the eyes of her master.

So to be jealous, Nan Jiateng should also eat her vinegar.

Cha Qingluo asked in this way, in fact, simply asked, and did not want Nan Jiateng to really answer her.

But Nan Jiateng shook her hand hard: "I'm thinking of you."

When Cha Qingluo heard this sentence, she stepped and blinked. She heard it correctly. Is this what Nan Jiateng told her?

She thought Nan Jiateng would remain silent!

After all, Nan Jiateng's character was cold and deserted before, he sometimes kept silent, she would not feel strange.

Cha Qingluo turned his head to look at Nan Jiateng, his eyes all puzzled.

Nan Jiateng seemed to know that Cha Qingluo didn't believe it. He reached out and touched her hair and said, "I really miss you."

Cha Qingluo smiled happily when Nan Jiateng repeated the affirmation.

The eyebrows are curved, with a bright light, like the sun, can also illuminate Nan Jiateng's heart.

Nan Jiateng found that he actually liked to watch tea pour and laugh.

Feel that laugh is suitable for her.

Nan Jiateng shook the tea-pulling hands and said, "Come on, let's say nothing else, go to dinner."

"Okay, go eat."

The place to eat hot pot is not far from the school.

So the two were walking.

To the store.

Nan Jiateng smoothed the messy hair for the tea.

In fact, Nan Jiateng's gentle movements, Cha Qingluo was not used to it for a while.

Because it can be said that Nan Jiateng had never treated her like this before, so suddenly, Cha Qingluo was not used to it.

But Cha Qingluo is warm and happy.

It seems that the heart jumped quickly.

It seems that because of Nan Jiateng's care and tenderness to her, she also has a deep affection for him.

She seemed to dare to be emotional.

In fact, she liked Nan Jiateng before, but she didn't dare to be too careful.

Because Nan Jiateng is really cold and clear sometimes.

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