There was a lot of discussion among the people, and Cha Qingluo heard a little, but it was not clear.

She can also guess that everyone is talking about her and Nan Jiateng.

Anyway, it's awkward, it is estimated that she is shameless, thick-skinned or something.

For strangers, Cha Qingluo will not care, and will not think too much.

Anyway, they are strangers. If she cares what other people think and think, then she doesn’t need to live.

People live for themselves, she thinks she still likes to do whatever she wants.

Cha Qingluo looked down at the hand held by Nan Jiateng, and she said: "Do you also think I have a thick skin and deliberately haunt you?"

Nan Jiateng suddenly heard such a question, slightly startled.

He really didn't understand the way girls thought, and he didn't understand how Cha Qingluo suddenly asked him such a sentence.

"What do you think?"

"I don't think so, I am sincere."

Nan Jiateng laughed when he heard this sentence, and couldn’t help but squeeze the cheeks of Cha Qingluo.

Sometimes when Cha Qingluo speaks, she will naturally swell her cheeks, Nan Jiateng thinks she is very cute.

Can't help but reach out and squeeze.

But he will control the intensity.

His movements are very light, and will not make the tea pouring feel uncomfortable.

Cha Qingluo felt Nan Jiateng's tenderness, and her eyes were shining.

She is naturally happy.

But she feels unreal again, is this Nan Jiateng's true character?

In fact, she still didn't know much about Nan Jiateng. He didn't know his family, his parents, his life circle and friends circle.

He never said that.

Her understanding of him now is limited to a few points, that is, he is the president of the student union, and they are the first term.

Others are really unclear.

But suddenly she thought of the earliest systematic words in her mind, her complexion changed, "Nan Jiateng, can I ask you a question?"

Looking at Cha Qingluo's changed face, Nan Jiateng's expression also slightly converged, "Well, you say."

"Will your family, just like they said on TV, there is a fight, something like fighting..."

Nan Jiateng thought about the family, his eyes flashed, and a glare passed under his eyes.

Nan Jiateng was silent for a while before asking: "Are you afraid?"

Cha Qingluo listened to Nan Jiateng's words, and understood that he either denied it or the default family was involved in fighting and killing.

In other words, it is possible that the system told her at the beginning.

She wants to protect her father.

"I tell you, I'm not afraid, because my dad is also doing this, and it has something to do with fighting, but they are protecting and they are also a help."

Nan Jiateng was relieved, and the tea wouldn't be afraid.

He really is not as simple as it seems, he has his darkness in his heart.

Otherwise, he cannot be the heir of the Nan family.

After all, there are many people in the Nan family, and it is not easy to stand out from the young people.

He paid a lot for this.

He is not a power-loving person, but within the Nan family, he must have the means and ability to live and survive well without being bullied by anyone.

He is also to protect his mother.

But all these, Nan Jiateng could not tell Cha Qingluo one by one.

Cha Qingluo was a simple girl, he didn't want to tell her too complicated, and made her think.

Nan Jiateng touched her hair, "Well, you are brave."

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