Luo Yanxiao knew that Liu Ningning was more restrained, he wanted her to be more natural.

But every time she came to the apartment, she also helped to pack things, or else just to cook, she did not take the initiative to pick up the remote control and watch TV.

He actually hoped that she could relax more naturally.

In fact, Liu Ningning can feel Liu Ningning's restraint, so he always takes good care of Liu Ningning's emotions.

Liu Ningning is not stupid, she can feel it too.

Just because I can feel it, my heart is very warm and has a hot feeling.

The whole body is warm.

Liu Ningning looked at the remote control in his hand and gave Luo Yanxiao again, "Isn't there a ball game recently? You watch the ball game."

Liu Ningning knew that Luo Yanxiao liked to watch the game.

Although she couldn't understand it, it was not important to watch the show with Luo Yanxiao, it was good to sit together and listen to the sound. In this way, there will be a warm feeling in her heart.

Luo Yanxiao shook his head and said: "The ball game is to see, it is not important for you."

Liu Ningning couldn't help raising her lips. She knew that the boys loved watching the game.

She also knows that Luo Yanxiao also liked watching the game before, especially when watching the game, she would also be very excited.

But he said so, she felt a sweet feeling in her heart, just like eating honey.

"I don't know what to watch. You can watch a show together!"

Luo Yanxiao could only change from station to station. Although he changed stations, he also looked at Liu Ningning's expression.

With Liu Ningning for a long time, Luo Yanxiao will also observe and judge.

So when a variety show was broadcast, Liu Ningning seemed a bit interested. He stopped at this station, "Just watch this!"

Liu Ningning nodded, "Okay."

Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning are discussing everything. The two never quarreled. They are taking each other seriously and warming each other.

As the time spent getting along, the relationship between the two has been heating up.

They are all people who care about each other, and they are all people who don't care about their gains and losses.

So they will one day hate the feeling of being together for 24 hours.

That's how I sit and study together, study together, cook, eat, and watch TV together.

The two watched TV and ate hot pot.

When Luo Yanxiao looked cooked, she began to sandwich Liu Ningning's bowl for her to eat.

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao and only looked at the food for her, he didn't eat much.

"You eat too, don't patronize me."

With that said, Liu Ningning also sandwiched the meat in the bowl with Luo Yanxiao.

In the past, when Luo Yanxiao went to dinner with the girl, it was he who brought the vegetables and dishes, and he was used to it.

But Liu Ningning's carefulness still made him very worried.

Some boys have masculinity and don’t like girls to give them food like this, but he is not.

Liu Ningning's concern for him will make him warm.

Because he had never enjoyed these when he was a child, his parents were away all year round, and he ate all of his meals.

So someone cares about his feelings, he really feels warm all over.

Snow flakes outside, the north wind is blowing, but it does not affect the temperature inside the house.

He was very hot and he and Liu Ningning were particularly happy.

Luo Yanxiao's throat moved: "Ning Ning, you eat more, eat more lamb, it's good for your health."

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