Luo Yanxiao leaned lazily on the sofa and looked at Liu Ningning, all with a sense of satisfaction.

There was a soft light in his eyes.

Bright and bright.

After Liu Ningning entered the study state, he just forgot the time and place.

She seemed to study in the library.

Soon it was 11:30 in the evening.

Luo Yanxiao didn't want Liu Ningning to learn too late. He wanted to watch and let her go to bed early, otherwise she would feel very distressed and blame herself.

Luo Yanxiao went to the kitchen to get some fruit, made a fruit salad, and placed it at Liu Ningning's table. "It's not too late. Eat some fruit and go to bed early!"

Luo Yanxiao's voice was distressed.

When Liu Ningning heard Luo Yanxiao's voice, he suddenly recovered from the book.

She looked up at Luo Yanxiao, and when she saw Luo Yanxiao wearing a yukata, she was followed by a stun.

Luo Yanxiao was wearing a white yukata and her chest was slightly open. Under the light, she was extremely **** and charming.

Liu Ningning felt that her eyes were fixed, and when she looked at him, she forgot to respond.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's eyes, his eyes flashing.

His throat moved, and now it seemed too ambiguous.

Luo Yanxiao even felt that his hands were hot too.

"Ning Ning?"

When shouting two words, Luo Yanxiao also found his voice slightly hoarse.

Liu Ningning suddenly recovered and quickly looked away. She wanted to cover up her embarrassment and stood up quickly.

Because when he stood in a hurry, he didn't stand firm, almost fell, or Luo Yanxiao hugged Liu Ningning quickly.

Liu Ningning leaned against Luo Yanxiao's arms.

Leaning in Luo Yanxiao's arms, Liu Ningning could smell the clean and refreshing breath of Luo Yanxiao.

The smell of shower gel was clean and refreshing, making her drunk.

Liu Ningning forgot to respond at this time, and the whole person was confused.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning, his heart became softer and softer, and his eyes glowed with pity.

He wanted to do something.

But he knew sanely that if he did something now, he would be out of control.

So he refrained.

He just rubbed Liu Ningning's hair with his hands, "Don't you fall?"

Luo Yanxiao's voice is very hoarse. Liu Ningning listened to his ears, and felt that the voice was so **** and charming.

Perhaps Xing Shi appeared in the eyes of her lover. Liu Ningning felt that Luo Yanxiao at this time was dazzling and charming, and her voice was particularly nice.

She actually wanted to stay in this arms.

However, with good education, Liu Ningning quickly sorted out his expression and came out of Luo Yanxiao's arms, "It's okay, just didn't stand still, what time is it?"

When Liu Ningning said this, it also changed the subject and concealed the sensation in that heart.

"It's already half past eleven. Don't sleep too late at night. I have prepared the bed for you and changed to a thicker cup."

The day before was not very cold, but now that there is heating, he also wants to give Liu Ningning a thicker cup, don't freeze her.

Liu Ningning nodded.

Liu Ningning went to wash first. In the bathroom, the ladies had all toiletries, and she found it when she first came.

She had to say that Luo Yanxiao was really careful.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and went to the bathroom, only to think of something: "Ning Ning, there are ladies' pajamas, bathrobes, and changing clothes in the bedroom."

Liu Ningning was brushing her teeth, and she almost choked when she heard Luo Yanxiao's words coming from outside the door.

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