With that said, Liu Ningning quickly sat down on the sofa.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning anxiously and smiled, "Today is Saturday, you forgot? No class."

Liu Ning stunned for a while, she really forgot, it turned out to be Saturday.

The thought of not going to class in a hurry, Liu Ningning's heart relaxed at once.

After breakfast, Liu Ningning insisted on brushing the dishes.

Then she was going to study in the school library.

Luo Yanxiao naturally wants to accompany Liu Ningning to self-study.

When the two people walked toward the campus holding hands, they saw many people on the campus playing snowball fights.

Especially freshmen, they are more energetic, and many of them play snow, make snowmen, and fight snowballs on the playground.

This is the first snow this year, and it is Saturday, many classes come out for activities.

It's also very lively.

Looking at the snow, Liu Ningning said with emotion: "When I was in high school, when I saw the snow, I also thought that the snow scene was very beautiful. I wanted to stop and appreciate it, but at that time, for the college entrance examination, the rhythm was fast. I walked on the road and I was still running. At that time, my heart was lifted and my spirit was tight. I couldn’t relax completely. Now I feel that my heart can be relaxed and I can stop to look at the snow. Time is not like in high school. tight……"

Listening to Liu Ningning's words, Luo Yanxiao's heart was a little heavy.

He held Liu Ningning's hand vigorously and could imagine how she had studied hard at that time.

He remembered that when he was in high school, he should play and sometimes skip play.

He came in with extra points for the college entrance examination. Of course, his academic performance is also very good. After all, he also went to cram school since he was a child.

Before the college entrance examination, the family also invited famous school teachers to guide him in his studies, and to attack the key points.

But he knew that Liu Ningning could only take classes in school, and he also taught himself on weekends and holidays.

It is good for them to go to school normally, not to mention the tutoring class.

"Do you have students in tutoring classes?"

"Few, tuition fees for tutoring classes are very expensive. Most people can’t afford tutoring classes. Some of our classmates are in good condition at home. They will attend tutoring classes, but some people are useful in tutoring classes, and some are useless. The key Can you learn it..."

This is indeed the case. If some people do not want to learn, they are forced to learn, and the effect is not good.

The two of them talked like this and went to the library to study on their own.


Cha Qingluo slept in the dormitory.

She was in a good mood last night and couldn't sleep excitedly until midnight.

And last night there was no one in the dormitory. She drove on the computer and played till midnight.

But playing too late, she didn't wake up in the morning.

However, in snowy weather, it's best for lazy sleep.

Especially warm by me.

When I thought it was snowing so cold outside, Cha Qingluo wanted to stay in the bed even more.

But in the morning, Nan Jiateng wanted to make a call to Cha Qingluo, but thought that this girl might be sleeping during the weekend, hesitated, and did not call her.

It was almost noon, and Cha Qingluo woke up, then washed slowly, put on a down jacket and went to lunch.

After lunch, the whole person was refreshed.

She started calling Liu Ningning and Zi Lingxi.

Zi Lingxi told her that the mountain was indeed closed. The snow under her home was particularly thick. She had to wait for the snow to melt before going back.

So Zi Lingxi continued to stay in the grandma's house, but fortunately there was a lot of dry wood.

Zi Lingxi used dry wood to burn the kang, and the burnt kang was particularly hot.

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