Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5752: Scarf, cold outside and hot inside

Every lesson taught by the teacher of t is a knowledge point, and listening to more lessons can increase knowledge.

At this age, they are just at the time to acquire knowledge, but they cannot skip classes.

Zi Lingxi simply tidied up and went to class.

In the morning she ate in the apartment.

She didn't have class on Monday or Tuesday, she went to the library, and she went to class with Liu Ningning Tea Qingluo on the third and fourth.

Zi Lingxi looked at the scarf around Cha Qingluo's neck and felt pretty.

But the strange thing is that Cha Qingluo didn't take off the scarf when studying in the library. I really like this scarf.

But this scarf is really pretty. Zi Lingxi took a few more glances and said, "Your scarf is pretty."

Hearing Zi Lingxi's words, Cha Qingluo's face was slightly red, and a sweet arc was drawn from the corner of his mouth.

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo's expression and smiled involuntarily. "Is someone giving it to you?"

If it is just an ordinary scarf, the tea dill will not be worn in the library. The heating in the library is sufficient.

Wearing a scarf will definitely get hot.

When Cha Qingluo heard Zi Lingxi's question, he put his hands on the scarf gently, stroking the scarf gently, so gentle, as if treating the scarf as a treasure.

In such a careful manner, Zi Lingxi felt the same as not knowing Cha Qingluo.

As the best friends and girlfriends, the two have a tacit understanding of many things.

Cha Qingluo was very carefree on weekdays, and he didn't care about what he bought, even if it was a very expensive thing, he could just let it go.

That is, she will take it well.

So in this way, it looks wrong.

Cha Qingluo smiled and nodded, "Well, someone gave it."

"Looking at your expression, you know that Nan Jiateng gave it to you?"

Cha Qingluo nodded a little embarrassedly.

On Friday night, the two went back to eat hot pot and it was quite cold.

When she returned, Nan Jiateng asked her if she had a scarf, but she didn't even think about it.

Then on Saturday afternoon, he came to her and said to give her something.

Then he gave her the scarf and gloves.

The styles are very nice and very warm.

She has been around the scarf from Saturday afternoon to Monday, feeling that the weather is cold, she is not cold anymore, the scarf is really warm, all warm to her heart.

Sure enough, Nan Jiateng didn't really say much, but he started to treat her right?

But when she thought of chasing Nanjiateng at the beginning, at that time, his cold personality, she felt a little pain in her heart.

Fortunately, he now knows to care about her.

In fact, after a long time, she found out his temperament and character and knew how to get along.

Nan Jiateng is actually a cold outside and hot inside.

Let him speak sweet words, make him smile at her all day, it is estimated to be embarrassing him.

But at a critical time, he knew that she cared about her.

Now she can feel his heart too.

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo and nodded, letting out a sigh of relief: "He knows it's good to care about you."

"On Friday, after we ate the hot pot, it was he who brought me back. I asked him to carry me, and he really carried me, really incredible."

Now think about it, Cha Qingluo has an unbelievable feeling.

But it is true, the temperature on Nan Jiateng's back, she still remembers that feeling, she is still very clear now.

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