Zi Lingxi looked back, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

The boy who just spoke sarcastically seemed to be in Chen Liuchuan's dormitory, and was still on duty.

Zi Lingxi knew that it must be that they did not know how to gossip and how to say them in the dormitory, otherwise they would not say such things.

A boy is like a bastard, it really makes people want to beat him.

Zi Lingxi's fists were all clenched.

She doesn't like nonsense, it is better to use violence to solve it directly.

She wants to hit someone now.

The boy was angry with a girl and could not hold his face, and now many people in the class are still watching.

The boy looked at Cha Qingluo and said angrily: "We didn't say who it was, could it be your own guilty conscience, what did you do, afraid of people saying, huh, doing shameless things, afraid of people saying?"

Cha Qingluo slapped on the table, "The old lady's sitting side is afraid of people saying, I don't think you are afraid of people saying, I said how did you mix into the school, we should also be the best school in our country , How do **** like you and swearing people come in. Believe it or not, you can talk nonsense, you can’t say anything if the old lady directly fights."

With that, Cha Qingluo clenched her fists, and she really wanted to fight.

Many people in the class watched it and wanted to persuade them, but they all knew that Cha Qingluo was so kung-fu, many people still kept silent.

Furthermore, most people are still cultivated. After all, they are highly educated and qualified people.

Many people looked at the boy, and they all knew that Li Daisen was a little strange and lacked quality.

Especially those words said, it is simply unbearable.

Let Cha Qingluo teach him a lesson.

Zi Lingxi also stood up, "Li Daisen, how did you come to the school, I think I need someone to check it?"

With that said, Zi Lingxi made a phone call directly and asked people to find out how Li Daisen came to the school.

She did not believe that people of this quality came to this school.

Before class, this person often said such things, but at that time the voice was low, she pretended not to hear.

Now that the voice is loud, let them hear it deliberately, then they can't pretend.

Huang Luoxiu said, let her have nothing to fear, said, no one can bully her.

She naturally couldn't let these words go out.

She was sitting on the right side, afraid of something.

The boy's face changed when he heard Zi Lingxi asked.

He did spend money for the test.

It’s a good relationship to spend money on.

And they are not so strict in the examination room, so he was asked to take the test, and naturally his score was not his.

No one will check it. If you check it on the top of your head, it will be exposed.

So this person is naturally afraid.

Chen Liuchuan stood up as the class leader, "All students, there is no need to be so stiff, not to say a few words, so why is it so aggressive and not forgiving."

Chen Liuchuan's tone was naturally directed towards Li Daisen.

After all, Li Daisen was aiming at him, so he targeted Zi Lingxi and them.

Cha Qingluo chuckled, "Chen Liuchuan, what are you, saying that, how did you work as the monitor? It's hypocritical, he said so much about Sang Huai, we doubt his qualities, let people check his achievements, and What does it matter to you, you squad leader shouldn’t worry about it, he’s worried, hehe!"

Cha Qingluo's words are ironic.

Chen Liuchuan didn't expect that this tea dumpling wouldn't even give the face of his squad leader, but he was from the Chen family.

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