In fact, Cha Qingluo is always very happy in front of Nan Jiateng.

She was happy like a child, looking at him with her head up in front of Nan Jiateng.

Nan Jiateng couldn't help but feel the tea Qingluo's hair, feeling like coaxing a child.

Looking at Cha Qingluo, he also remembered many small animals.

Nan Jiateng thought, with a smile on his face.

Anyone who is familiar with Nan Jiateng knows that his character is indifferent, and he doesn't see a smile all year round.

But when faced with tea pouring, Nan Jiateng would laugh easily.

Although the smile was very shallow, he smiled, and we can see that his mood is also good.

"You are complimenting me on this sentence?"

"Of course, most people can't be called the **** of learning. The master of learning is very strong. At your level, don't worry about the exam at all..."

When Cha Qingluo used to be in high school, he was also the type of person with a good academic record.

But when I went to college, I found out that the people around a good university are those with good academic results in high school, and they are all the kind of top people, so they can enter the university.

It is a leader in high school, not necessarily a leader in college, because there are too many good grades in the class.

But at this time, Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng and was very happy because she was not a **** of learning, but her boyfriend Nan Jiateng was a **** of learning.

Just like holding a textbook, no, it is a textbook with a full-featured explanation.

Thinking, Cha Qingluo laughed.

Nan Jiateng saw her laughing like this, a little helpless, this girl did not know what was in her mind all day.

The two men talked like this and walked into the cafeteria.

In fact, in the exam week of the university, although everyone is busy studying and preparing for the exam, it is not as nervous as in high school.

Everyone should play.

The cafeteria is also bustling, and everyone is talking while eating.

"There are two days before the exam, and the vacation will be taken after the exam, which is really fast."

"No, just one semester passed."

"There is a class where the teacher doesn't focus, we all have to look at everything from the beginning."

"It's not easy to be admitted to the University of T, but I can't leave the subject. I heard that the parents will be notified of the transcript after I leave the subject. This is simply, you don't know how I am admitted to the highest school, how proud my parents are I also know that I am a student of t-year-old.

"So after eating, don't take a nap, let's go to the library corridor and ask questions!"

"I don't plan to sleep too much at night. It should be enough to sleep three hours a day. In order to sprint for the college entrance examination, I slept for a few hours a day. The circadian clock has the same habit... sprint sprint..."


Listening to these words, Cha Qingluo couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of returning to high school.

After lunch, Cha Qingluo and Nan Jiateng returned to his office.

Cha Qingluo wants to learn, but after eating a lot, it is really easy to be sleepy, and Cha Qingluo will fall asleep when lying there.

Nan Jiateng watched her sleep peacefully and covered her with her coat.

By the time tea Qingluo naturally woke up, it was half past two in the afternoon.

She rubbed her eyes, "Ah, I actually slept so much? Don't you wake me up?"

Nan Jiateng didn't speak. He didn't want to wake up and pour out tea, just want her to sleep more.

"Not paying attention to time."

Cha Qingluo pouted, she went to the bathroom next to her and washed her face, then came back and wiped her face with Nan Jiateng's towel.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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