Luo Yanxiao was planning to wait for Liu Ningning to return home when she was supposed to go home.

By the way, buy Liu Ningning some New Year's gifts and the like.

Liu Ningning was also distressed when he heard Luo Yanxiao's words.

She looked at him and stretched her hand to hold his hand.

Liu Ningning wanted to comfort Luo Yanxiao to say something, but did not know what to say.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's expression and knew she was distressed to herself.

He was warm in his heart, "Okay, don't worry about me, they will come back during the Chinese New Year."

Luo Yanxiao thought that when his parents came back during the New Year, he would tell his parents about Liu Ningning.

But I don't know how to speak.

But he will still insist.

Liu Ningning didn't know Luo Yanxiao's thoughts. She just thought that Luo Yanxiao actually longed for her parents to be around, so that there would be the warmth of the family.

Liu Ningning pursed her lips and said, "Yan Xiao, actually I think, if you don't mind, you can... you can go to my house."

After that, Liu Ningning's expression was slightly unnatural.

She didn't know why she said such things.

But as if thinking this way in my heart, I said it naturally.

Luo Yanxiao froze when he heard Liu Ningning's words, and then his eyes brightened.

He didn't even care that this was the campus. He hugged Liu Ningning. "How can I mind that I would like to stay together when I'm on holiday. I also want to take you home for the Chinese New Year."

In fact, Luo Yanxiao could know Liu Ningning's heart just by listening to Liu Ningning's sentence.

So he was very moved and moved.

Liu Ningning also knew that Luo Yanxiao had just said this seriously.

Liu Ningning was happy in her heart. She also wanted to stay with Luo Yanxiao every day.

She has been used to staying together at school, but she’s used to it. If she goes home on vacation, she will miss him for more than a month.

There is no doubt about this.

Liu Ningning knew that she was completely used to Luo Yanxiao by her side, and used to see Luo Yanxiao every day.

But when she thought that she would follow Luo Yanxiao to his house during the Chinese New Year, and then her parents, only her brother and sister would be with them.

Thinking this way, Liu Ningning felt a sour feeling in his heart.

Maybe when people grow up, they can't stay with their parents all the time.

But she is not a selfish character, she misses her parents and brothers and sisters.

The money she earned from her own translation and the scholarships and grants, most of them were mailed to her family.

Two people, you and I, for a while, there were few people on campus. Liu Ningning realized that it was almost time for the dormitory to close, so he hurried to the dormitory.

Luo Yanxiao took Liu Ningning's hand and said: "Don't worry, the dormitory is closed, and we will live outside."

"Sometimes the dormitory will check people."

Going downstairs to the dormitory, the door was still open, Liu Ningning looked at the time, there were five minutes.

She turned to Luo Yanxiao and said: "I thought about it. After the exam, I went to the mall to do part-time exercise and waited for the New Year before returning home. You go home first, don't worry about me, it's fine."

"How can I leave you alone, my parents will not go back anyway, we live in an apartment, and I pick you up and down every day."

Liu Ningning was very moved, and wanted to say a few words, Luo Yanxiao said: "Come in, the dormitory will be closed. When you finish the exam tomorrow morning, we will eat delicious food at noon."

Liu Ningning pursed her lips and turned to prepare to go back to the dormitory. At this moment, she turned around and tipped her toes to kiss the corner of Luo Yanxiao's mouth.

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