But Nan Jiateng had the invigilator's brand on his neck, it was not fake, it was true.

And he had the test paper bag in his hand.

He really came to proctor.

Many girls are a little excited because Nan Jiateng is so handsome and handsome that he is the president of the student union.

On weekdays, they may not necessarily see them.

Nowadays, Nan Jiateng comes to supervise the exam. Everyone has a sense of excitement.

Of course, the excitement of girls is more obvious.

But everyone likes to appreciate handsome guys.

At least to a handsome proctor, they are not bored in the exam.

And everyone understands that Nan Jiateng is Cha Qingluo's boyfriend.

Everyone knows what's going on in the class.

Although Cha Qingluo rarely interacts with people in the class on a weekday, her boyfriend is the president of the student union, so everyone knows when the two hold hands together.

Many people turned around carefully to see the look of tea pouring.

Cha Qingluo was shocked at first, and then quickly lowered his head.

Even if she lowered her head, she could feel the curious eyes of everyone.

One by one is watching her.

Even if she was thick-skinned, she was a little embarrassed.

Especially when Nan Jiateng looked at the classroom from the rostrum, he swept around. Later, his eyes fell on Cha Qingluo. He looked at Cha Qingluo and couldn't help laughing.

Everyone in the class looked at the president's smile, and they were all amazing.

Everyone in the school knew that Nan Jiateng, the president of the Student Union, rarely laughed.

Now he even smiled generously, everyone knows that it must be because of tea pouring.

Many people are envious of tea pouring.

But everyone also has to admit that Cha Qingluo stayed with Nan Jiateng only because of his thick skin.

If they are so thick-skinned, they may not be able to.

How can you restrain yourself!

Zi Lingxi was sitting on Cha Qingluo's back, kicking Cha Qingluo's stool with his feet, leaning forward, and gently said: "Tea Qingluo, President Nan is watching you, watching you I laughed again. That smile surprised all my classmates. Don’t you look up?”

Cha Qingluo knew that this girlfriend was teasing her.

"do not talk."

She now has a faster heartbeat and a blush.

On weekdays, she went to Nan Jiateng regardless, and was indulgent in front of him.

But at this time, it was an exam!

And at this time Nan Jiateng's identity became a proctor.

In the face of the invigilator, she did not dare to indulge.

"What's your guts on weekdays? I guess President Nam is here to supervise you, so why not supervise other classrooms and supervise our classrooms?"

Cha Qingluo's face was a little hot as Zi Lingxi lowered her voice.

To be honest, she was very happy.

This is the final exam. She is actually very relaxed and not nervous.

And Nan Jiateng gave her textbooks before.

With five minutes left for the exam, Nan Jiateng started to walk in the aisle and sent out test papers.

When Nan Jiateng walked to Cha Qingluo, she sent her a test paper, and her steps came to a halt.

He watched Cha Qingluo keep his head down, wishing he could lower it to the table, he couldn't help laughing.

The laughter was very light and shallow, but Cha Qingluo heard clearly.

Cha Qingluo blushed and looked up, looking at Nan Jiateng's expression.

For a moment, she looked up at Nan Jiateng's gloomy eyes, so deep, but with a soft light smile.

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