However, the two people are different in cooking. They can divide and cooperate in cooking.

Liu Ningning cooked rice with fruits and glutinous black rice to make vegetarian dishes.

Luo Yanxiao makes grilled wings, steamed shrimp, fried lamb, braised pork...

With meat and vegetables, two people made eight dishes and one soup.

At first Liu Ningning felt that it was a waste to make so many dishes, but Luo Yanxiao said that after the exam, he wanted to eat a delicious meal as a relaxation.

Indeed, Liu Ningning also felt relaxed in his heart after the exam was over.

It is a sense of spiritual relaxation.

Liu Ningning is not the kind of person who takes the exam for the exam. She keeps all the knowledge she has learned in mind, even after the exam is over, the knowledge is also consolidated by her and will not be forgotten.

But after the college exam, it is the real exam, which is different from high school.

After the high school exam is over, we will have to face the next semester nervously, even when it is a holiday, there are many homework.

Liu Ningning still remembers the winter vacation of the third year of high school. She wakes up early every day. Sometimes the chicken hasn't croaked, so she gets up and reads the book with the light on.

Sometimes I can do a question for a day, and when I eat, I can say a few words to my parents.

When I finished eating, I obviously wanted to play and relax for a while, but I still told myself to learn.

So just keep learning.

Even on the day of the New Year, she was studying.

Sometimes the whole person can't breathe tightly.

But she insisted on clenching her teeth in this way, and finally admitted to T big.

The moment she got the offer letter, she cried.

Crying excitedly.

Efforts are rewarding.

Now that the exam is over, she knows that she will not play every day, but it is definitely easier than high school.

When she returns home for the New Year this year, she can help her mother make some pasta together, cook together, and talk together.

Don't be so nervous anymore.

Those who are nervous and tense, even squeeze a few words, to squeeze out for learning.

Only after suffering hardly did I know to value life.

So now, she feels relaxed and looking at a platter of dishes, her mood is wonderful.

Although two people took eight dishes and one soup, they didn't make much of each dish, so eating eight dishes would not waste two people.

During the meal, Liu Ningning also cherishes the food, eating it bit by bit is a treat.

She felt that every meal was delicious and she was reluctant to waste it.

When she was at home, that is, during the Chinese New Year, her mother would buy some meat.

And it has never been that expensive pork belly, just ordinary meat.

Even if it is the meat put in the dish, she will not take the initiative to go to the folder, she will leave it for the younger brother and sister.

But now, she can eat.

Luo Yanxiao knew that Liu Ningning's delicious food was reluctant to eat, and also knew that Liu Ningning's family rarely made these dishes.

So he felt distressed about Liu Ningning and caught it in her bowl, "eat more."

"Well, you eat too, don't patronize me."

"Looking at what you eat, I feel that I am eating well."

Luo Yanxiao said this truth.

He was not keen on eating, and when he was a child, the servants in the family changed their meals.

There is fish almost every day.

He made these for Liu Ningning to eat. As for himself, he thought the vegetarian dishes made by Liu Ningning were delicious.

The two were eating and watching TV programs, and their whole body was filled with a warm atmosphere.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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