Luo Yanxiao said: "It should inherit the family industry."

Liu Ningning asked and he told her.

After a pause, Luo Yanxiao took Liu Ningning's hand and said, "Ning Ning, after graduation, will you go to work in my family company?"

Liu Ningning smiled. She was actually grateful to Luo Yanxiao. He planned her in his world.

But Liu Ningning would not do that. In that case, she would only be looked down upon, even if she had the ability, in the eyes of others, it was also the job she found with Luo Yanxiao's ability.

She has her dignity, even if she loves again, she wants to protect that dignity and wants to be seen by others.

Therefore, at the beginning, she will not enter Luo Yanxiao's family company, she will rely on her efforts to make achievements in the work.

In fact, looking at Luo Yanxiao, Liu Ningning can be full of fighting spirit.

So she will continue to study hard.

She has always remembered the University of Norbia, which was previously told by Zi Lingxi.

She really wants to go to graduate school there, that's the top school, a good platform.

If she goes to graduate school in that school, she will learn better, and the scholarships are very high.

Thinking, Liu Ningning's eyes are shining, and the blood in his body is boiling.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and said, "Ningning?"

Liu Ningning suddenly recovered, "I want to improve my ability first."

However, she also wanted to help Luo Yanxiao take care of his company in the future.

She wants to help him.

However, before that, Liu Ningning felt that she must first make achievements and be capable first, so that no one would say that she relied on Luo Yanxiao to enter the company.

She wouldn't be selfish only by herself, she would consider Luo Yanxiao's feelings.

Listening to Liu Ningning's words, Luo Yanxiao knew that she was willing to come to him after graduation.

He was very happy, in a company, so that he could see her every day.

And Luo Yanxiao is very convinced of Liu Ningning's ability.

She is at work and she will do her job well.

In fact, one person makes another person think that she is very good, which is also a good impression created in the bit by bit on weekdays.

She is so easy to learn, and the people around them are very sure of her, and believe her character and her ability.

In fact, they all converge in bits and pieces.

Luo Yanxiao hugged Liu Ningning excitedly, even on the street, he did not shy away.

Liu Ningning originally wanted to tell Luo Yanxiao that she wanted to be a graduate student.

However, the decision to take the graduate exam is not until the junior year.

She also didn't want Luo Yanxiao to think more, so he hesitated and said nothing.

The two played in the street and returned to the apartment at night.

Liu Ningning plans to go to the mall the next morning and go to the clothing store to work part-time.

Because I worked in the days before the holiday in October, when Liu Ningning contacted there, the store manager naturally agreed and gave her a higher promotion.

At the end of the year, the major shopping malls were also the busiest, and everyone was busy promoting sales.

People flow is also much higher than usual.

Liu Ningning's serious work ability and temperament are also excellent, and the store manager will no doubt use Liu Ningning.


Here, Cha Qingluo is in the dormitory, just waiting for Nan Jiateng's phone.

When eating at night, she was not very energetic.

Perhaps it was related to her mood, she felt that the winter vacation was off, and the outside of the school was also deserted.

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