Nan Jiateng didn't want to step on his father's sore spot and say these things.

But when it comes to tea pouring, it involves the principle that he wants to stick to. He doesn't want to back down.

Even if his father slapped him a few more times, he was not prepared to flinch.

This is indeed the pain in Nan's father's heart. He pointed to Nan Jiateng, ""

Perhaps it is the mention of Nan Jiateng's mother that Nan's father will be angry like a normal person.

At first, he did think that it was the protection of the mother and the child, but later discovered that it was not protection.

Now Nan Jiateng's mother is well maintained and well protected, but her body is also very weak, the weather is cold, and it is easy to get sick. It will hurt here and there.

Nan father has sought so many magicians, and he can't completely cure Nan Jiateng's mother.

This is also the pain in Nan's heart.

He blamed himself.

Originally not to mention that on the bright side, Nan's father would not think about things that year.

Now that on the bright side, Nan's father was also angry, more self-blame.

He still remembered that when the mother and son were taken back, Nan Jiateng was young, only a few years old, but looked at him with indifferent eyes. Those eyes were not like the eyes of children, so indifferent, so calm.

In a blink of an eye, the child has grown up.

He became the son who made him proud.

But it is not obedient.

Nan father eased his breath, looked at Nan Jiateng, and smiled. The child was infatuated, whether he or his father were infatuated.

I can't blame him.

"It looks like you think your girlfriend is quite heavy."

Nan Jiateng's expression moved, and did not speak.

Silence is to admit it.

Nan Jiateng is a hard bone and will not come out of nothing, what is what, and will not be smooth and roundabout to deal with one thing.

His attitude is clearly stated here.

"What kind of girl is it that makes you care so much and still maintains it."

Rarely, he can see this look in front of his son.

"She looks good in her son's eyes."

This sentence, falling in the ears of Nanfu, is already incredible.

It is indeed rare to be able to say such a compliment from Nan Jiateng.

When Nan Jiateng and Yang Manqin were arranged together, the child's expression was also cold and indifferent.

It seems that it is because of family arrangement, that is, what to do and what to do step by step.

Even if Yang Manqin later canceled the relationship himself, Nan Jiateng had a faint look as always.

At that time, he thought his son was an ice cube.

But at the time he was thinking of ice cubes, at least there were no weaknesses.

It turned out that it was not that there was no weakness, but that he hadn't met the person who made him weak.

Maybe even Nan Nan didn’t know Yang Manqin’s thoughts, but just thought that the two were world friends, they were right, and they were helpful to the family.

"What about Yang Manqin?"

"It's sister."

Nan Jiateng thought of Yang Manqin's attention to Cha Qingluo, and his mouth twitched.

If his father knew that Yang Manqin maintained that kind of attitude towards Cha Qingluo, I wouldn't know what it would be like.

Nan Father said for a long time in silence: "I don't care about your little girlfriend first. You have to treat me well. This winter vacation, you have to complete the task I gave you, otherwise family law will deal with it."


Nan Jiateng was relieved in his heart. As long as his father wouldn’t think about killing tea, he could arrange other things.

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