In fact, on the phone, Nan Jiateng didn't know what to say. He just wanted to hear the sound of Cha Qingluo. No matter what he said, he just wanted to hear the sound.

Even if his father said he would not send someone what to do with Cha Qingluo, he was still worried.

So listening to the sound of Cha Qingluoan at this time, he can actually relax.

Cha Qingluo listened to what Nan Jiateng had just said, and his eyes moved. "Nan Jiateng, is your martial art also very powerful?"

Nan Jiateng listened to Cha Qingluo's curious voice and could imagine her present look, "Huh?"

In fact, Cha Qingluo thought of Yang Manqin's kung fu, and felt that Yang Manqin's kung fu was very powerful.

That Nanjia Teng is also from this family, should it also be very powerful?

She was even thinking, who is the best when Nan Jiateng and Yang Manqin compete?

She used to think that her skill was still strong, but she had only seen Yang Manqin's kung fu before she realized that her kung fu was not enough. Is Nan Jiateng better than Yang Manqin?

Before listening to Yang Manqin, Nan Jiateng was the heir of the Nan family.

Since he is the heir, is Kung Fu more powerful?

Thinking this way, the light of worship flashed in Cha Qingluo's eyes.

She could all imagine that Nan Jiateng was cooler and more handsome when he practiced martial arts.

Cha Qingluo pursed her lips and said happily: "I think you must be very powerful, and with you, you will feel very secure."

Tea Qingluo smiled, there was a feeling of being protected.

Hearing Cha Qingluo's words, Nan Jiateng's eyes flashed a complex light.

Does she think so?

Silently, Nan Jiateng said, "Qingluo..."

"Uh huh, I'm listening!"

Nan Jiateng couldn't help but smile, and she actually felt a helpless feeling for her, "The Nan family is very complicated and very dark."

Cha Qingluo seems to know what Nan Jiateng wants to say, "I know, I said I'm not afraid, my tea Qingluo has more guts. Will you teach me martial arts in the future?"

Before Yang Manqin was in school, she would point her to martial arts, and she felt that she had become stronger.

But Yang Manqin didn't know what to do, so he returned to the family and never returned.

She is actually nervous. Will Nan Jiateng return to her family and stop coming to school?

So she wanted Nan Jiateng to point her to martial arts. Is there a reason for him to come to school?

Nan Jiateng heard this, his expression moved, he knew that Cha Qingluo was smart, and she seemed to understand what he meant.

Nan Jiateng smiled, "Okay."

After a pause, Nan Jiateng said: "I will stay at home first tonight and go back to school tomorrow morning."

Cha Qingluo naturally understood what it meant, "Then I can see you tomorrow morning? Great, I thought I couldn't see you in a winter vacation!"

Nan Jiateng could feel the good mood of Cha Qingluo, and his mood was much better.

He is indeed a family member who has to deal with family affairs in the family during a winter vacation, but he wants to see Cha Qingluo tomorrow. The two men simply said a few words and greeted a few words before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

Cha Qingluo looked at her phone, and she was a little distracted, but she was still happy when she thought that she could see Nan Jiateng the next day.

Cha Qingluo went to bed early in the morning and got a good night's sleep.


After getting up in the morning, Liu Ningning had breakfast, and at around nine o'clock, Luo Yanxiao drove her to the mall.

Only when parking in the mall, the two met the old Master Song.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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