After Dr. Nai left, Luo Yanxiao gently held Liu Ningning's hand and said, "You can't get any water at night, shall I wash it for you?"

Luo Yanxiao said to help wash, naturally means bathing.

Liu Ningning's face flushed instantly, " can..."

How could she let Luo Yanxiao bathe her, thinking of that scene, Liu Ningning's face turned red and her breath tightened.

She dare not look at Luo Yanxiao's expression.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning like this and couldn't help laughing, "Ning Ning, are you shy?"

Liu Ningning listened to Luo Yanxiao with a joke, looked up at him, and met Luo Yanxiao's bright eyes.

But the distress in these eyes is not false at all.

He just said that seriously, and wanted to bathe her.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's clear eyes and said seriously: "Ning Ning, I mean, your arm is inconvenient and can't get wet. I'll wash it for you. I promise not to see it, nor will I Do something else for you."

Luo Yanxiao's eyes were serious.

Liu Ningning shook his head, "I can use this hand, and the wound will be fine after two days."

"Then don't go to part-time job tomorrow, OK?"

In Luo Yanxiao's cognition, Liu Ningning was injured and had to recover at home.

But in Liu Ningning's heart, he didn't take this minor injury seriously.

With Liu Ningning's insistence, Luo Yanxiao could only follow Liu Ningning's ideas.

However, Luo Yanxiao gave Liu Ningning the wrap wound again with another thing, so that it would not seep.

After washing, Liu Ningning lay in bed, thinking of the scene just now, and some could not help crying.

She did not know why she was crying because her nose was sour and her heart was swollen.

Because she is here in Luo Yanxiao, it is also important to feel her.

She has a feeling of being really hurt in her bones and being cared for by others.

It turned out that she was hurt, but someone hurt.

In fact, when she was at home, if she was injured or bleeding, her parents thought it was okay, just a simple bandage, how can it be so coquettish.

After a long time, she was really not coquettish. She felt that it was broken and bleeding. Simply bandage it.

In fact, even if her parents are not in good health, even when they are sick, they still have to work.

After a long time, Liu Ningning felt that it was broken, it was no small matter.

But just today, she felt that she was treated as a little girl.

She was hurt.

This feeling made her heart warm.

Liu Ningning was lying on the bed, tossing and turning for a long time, and did not fall asleep.

She couldn't help but want to go to the living room to see Luo Yanxiao.

But she was afraid that she would make Luo Yanxiao sleep when she opened the door to the living room, so she held back her emotions.

After lying down for a while, Liu Ningning turned on the table lamp, wrote down his feelings in the notebook today, and wrote down Luo Yanxiao's distress to her.

She will remember Luo Yanxiao's good, she has to work hard, and she has the ability to treat Luo Yanxiao in the future.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Ningning lay down to sleep.

Early the next morning, after eating breakfast, Luo Yanxiao continued to send Liu Ningning to the mall.


Here Liu Ningning goes to the mall to do part-time exercise every day and earn extra money.

Cha Qingluo was also in the dormitory and did not go back.

Fortunately, Nan Jia Teng returned to school the next day after that day.

After returning to school, Cha Qingluo was more sticky to Nanjia Teng.

Anyway, the exam is over, there is no class, and nothing is wrong, Cha Qingluo stays in Nanjiateng's office.

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