Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's expression and knew that Liu Ningning was envious.

Luo Yanxiao said: "If Ning Ning likes it, we can now prepare to travel and play at sea."

Liu Ningning's eyes lit up when she heard these words, but soon, she suppressed the restlessness in her heart, "I just looked at it, and it will be the New Year soon. Well, let's stop playing."

Liu Ningning naturally wanted to play deep in her heart, but every time she was impetuous, she would tell her what she should do.

So she will not be willful, she knows what she is most important now.

Luo Yanxiao sighed inwardly, he knew that Liu Ningning actually wanted to play, but she was too sensible.

After breakfast, Luo Yanxiao sent Liu Ningning to the mall.

In the evening, I will take Liu Ningning back.

After returning to the apartment at night, Liu Ningning took out his mobile phone. At first glance, Cha Qingluo sent a message saying that the semester examination results came out. You can check the results by logging into the teaching system.

As soon as Liu Ningning saw the news from Cha Qingluo, he quickly wanted to check the results.

She looked at Luo Yanxiao and wanted to say something.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning like this, his heart followed, "Ning Ning, what else can't you tell me?"

Luo Yanxiao said, reaching out to hold Liu Ningning's hand, his eyes were a little deep.

He always wanted Liu Ningning to trust him completely, but it seemed not to be the case. Liu Ningning was sometimes restrained in front of him.

She would hesitate to say anything.

Liu Ningning pursed her lips and bowed her head: "Yan Xiao, can I borrow your laptop for a while?"

She does not have a laptop, and her mobile phone is not smart. She cannot log in to the teaching system and can only use a computer.

It's just that the school is now closed and the computer room is closed.

She used to go to the library if she had information to check in the school. If she really needed a computer, she would go to the computer room. The school computer room is charged by the hour. It is still very cheap for one hour and fifty cents.

But now, she can only use Luo Yanxiao's computer.

Luo Yanxiao sighed when he heard Liu Ningning's words, and then turned to take out the computer and put it on the table, "Ning Ning, you can use my things casually, you don't have to ask me, neither does my computer password."

All things Luo Yanxiao wanted to use for Liu Ningning. He even wanted to give Liu Ningning the login name and password of some communication software to let Liu Ningning know.

But Liu Ningning had her own principles in her heart. Without Luo Yanxiao's consent, she would not take his things.

She used to have the same table in junior high school. The math exam for that semester used a calculator, some complex formulas to calculate, several decimal places, the root number, and a calculator.

She said at the same table that she could let her use her calculator, but she believed it, but during the real exam, she patronized the desk and said that she wanted to use the calculator, but she never used it for her.

She can only do it on the proof sheet and do it by hand.

Fortunately, such a complicated calculation, only a few questions, but it is also very time-consuming, but she is quick to do the questions, and they are all calculated.

It was only five minutes before the exam ended, and she gave the calculator to her at the same table.

At that time, she was actually very uncomfortable, but it was useless to return the calculator.

She also took the first exam for that number of exams.

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