When Liu Ningning saw the results, she was very indifferent, because she knew that every exam paper, when she was doing it, was very easy, she knew every question very well, and she answered the questions very seriously. .

She knows that at t, the classmates are very smart, and each one of them is the best in high school before entering the t.

It is not easy for her to get a first-class scholarship, so she has been studying hard since the beginning of school.

Kung fu pays off, she has been working hard, all full marks.

When they counted their grades at the end of the semester, 20% of them were in class.

Because Liu Ningning sits in the front of every class, listens to the class carefully, and takes notes carefully, even if the university teacher leaves after finishing the class, he will also notice the students in the front row, especially every class is the first row , The degree of recognition is also very high.

And Liu Ningning never skips classes, even if it is named.

Moreover, Liu Ningning did very well in some classroom exercises and after-class exercises. She got a perfect score in the classroom and the final exam score was also a perfect score. Naturally, she was a full mark.

With this full score, Liu Ningning can be sure that she was awarded a first-class scholarship.

Liu Ningning would also be nervous if he lost one full point.

Because one point difference may not be the first-class scholarship winner.

Of course, she is not all for scholarships, she is for knowledge, but the score can also test her mastery or not.

Liu Ningning sat in front of the computer and looked at the score.

Luo Yanxiao stood behind Liu Ningning. He watched Liu Ningning motionless and felt a little distressed.

He reached out and pressed his hand on Liu Ningning's shoulder, and said softly: "Ning Ning, all subjects are full marks, every course is full marks, add up, it must be the first, Ning Ning is very powerful."

Liu Ningning listened to Luo Yanxiao's voice, and then recovered, she turned to look at Luo Yanxiao.

Luo Yanxiao found tears in the corners of Liu Ningning's eyes. He looked at them, his eyes flickered, and then reached out and gently wiped Liu Ningning away.

He knew that Liu Ningning was a sentimental person, but he also knew why she was crying.

She put in too much effort.

He felt that Liu Ningning should take the full mark.

"Ning Ning, cry if you want to cry."

Liu Ningning shook his head, "I'm very happy, I didn't want to cry."

The test results came out, and she was also at ease in her heart. She could have a good winter vacation and spend the New Year with her parents. When the school starts in the spring, she will continue to study hard.

The university’s courses are not stressful, so when she returns home at the end of the year, she plans to relax, accompany her parents, and help her mother cook together.

Thinking, Liu Ningning reached out to hug Luo Yanxiao and hugged hard. This semester, it was Luo Yanxiao who had been with her all the time, making her confident.

Make her spirit very good.

Liu Ningning held Luo Yanxiao and took a deep breath: "Yan Xiao, thank you."

Too many thanks, she didn't know how to express her emotions, she could only say thank you.

"Don't you say that? We don't say thank you."

Luo Yanxiao also knew that Liu Ningning was very emotional, and was a little excited at this time.

"Well, okay, don't say thank you."

After a while, Liu Ningning's emotions stabilized, and she looked up at Luo Yanxiao, "Yan Xiao, did you check the score?"

Luo Yanxiao actually didn't care much about the results, but Liu Ningning asked, he thought about whether to check.

Liu Ningning withdrew from the teaching system and asked Luo Yanxiao to investigate.

Luo Yanxiao held Liu Ningning, "You sit down, help me check, the student number is... the password is..."

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