Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5816: Did you talk about your girlfriend?

Luo Yanxiao thought of these things in his mind, he felt incredible, he was only 18 years old, how could he think of these.

In the eyes of his parents, in the eyes of others, he is still a teenager!

Luo Yanxiao felt incredible, he even thought of the child.

With such thoughts, he could not tell Liu Ningning, if Liu Ningning knew, it would be strange to think!

Liu Ningning naturally didn’t know what Luo Yanxiao was thinking, "If I were born in a wealthy family like you, maybe it’s not that sensible, but I was born in the country and my parents are so hard, I naturally want them to relax. Some, and if I don’t work hard, I have to go out to work and make money, so I can’t go to school. You said, in this case, would I dare not work hard?”

Luo Yanxiao knew that Liu Ningning was telling the truth.

He firmly held Liu Ningning's hand, "So, Ning Ning, I also want to thank you for your efforts, or I won't recognize you if I am in college."

Luo Yanxiao's expression was also very serious when he said this.

Liu Ningning was also emotional, reaching out to hold Luo Yanxiao's arm and resting his head on his shoulder. "I am also grateful for my hard work."

In fact, many people in the village have changed their concepts.

When I called my parents, my parents also said that she sent money to her home, which made her home a lot easier, and that her brother and sister had enough tuition and fees to go to school.

But the parents also saved most of them.

In fact, going to school is not a burden. Many of them learned to use their knowledge to make money part-time while they were in college. They can make up for their family income if they earn more.

The next day, Liu Ningning briskly continued to work part-time in the mall, but Luo Yanxiao received a call from his parents.

His mother asked him that they were all on vacation, what to do in school, why didn't they go home.

Luo Yanxiao didn't expect her mother to call suddenly. Even before the New Year, parents wouldn't call back to ask, his parents were very busy.

"Mom, you didn't go home before. There is no difference between me going home and not going home. I'm used to going back in the days after New Year."

Hearing Luo Yanxiao say this, the mother over there was silent, and after a while he said: "Yan Xiao, tell the truth, did you talk about your girlfriend?"

Hearing his mother's abrupt question, Luo Yanxiao's face changed. He opened his mouth and tried to explain, but he didn't know how to explain.

It is too abrupt.

He had intended to tell his parents when he returned home for the New Year.

In fact, Luo Yanxiao has been slow to speak, and he knows clearly in his heart that his parents might not agree with him and Liu Ningning. After all, Liu Ningning's family is there, and they are not right with them.

Liu Ningning's family is not even a well-off life.

He also knows that the husbands of the wealthy family despise the rural people. They feel that the rural people are still greedy for money and have no culture and no cultivation.

But those are the definitions that those people give to rural people.

In his view, the rural people are so simple and simple, they make money through labor, and they do not worship money and are very enthusiastic about people.

He has been to Liu Ningning's hometown, and Liu Ningning's hometown is honest.

On the contrary, some people from large families, like frogs at the bottom of the well, look down on this look down on that.

But these words, Luo Yanxiao could not tell his parents, some concepts can not be changed by him in a few words.

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