Luo Yanxiao also knows Liu Ningning on weekdays. Listening to her voice, she knows that she does not seem to be in a good mood now.

Although Liu Ningning tried his best to endure, Luo Yanxiao knew that she might have cried.

When Luo Yanxiao thought so, his heart hurt.

He once said that he would protect Liu Ningning and not let her be wronged.

Luo Yanxiao thought of the hardship of Liu Ningning's school life in the past, he was uncomfortable, he wanted to say apology, but at this time he could not say anything.

He wanted to explain what happened at home in the past few days, but he was afraid to say that Liu Ningning would be cranky.

She was originally a delicate person, and something might make her horny.

What if Liu Ningning cried again?

Luo Yanxiao still remembers what Liu Ningning looked like when she was crying.

He wanted to say a lot to Liu Ningning, but found that it really didn't make sense on the phone.

"Ning Ning, where are you now?"

He now wants to see Liu Ningning and go find her.

Liu Ningning said: "Yan Xiao, I'm home, I'm going home by train."

Hearing this, Luo Yanxiao was silent.

Luo Yanxiao's throat seemed to be blocked, and no sound could be heard.

Luo Yanxiao felt guilty in his heart, and he kept saying sorry in his heart.

But he couldn't say it because he was sorry that the three words were too heavy. It was also sad to say it.

He once said that Liu Ningning didn't need to buy a ticket. If he drove her home, he did.

Because he heard Liu Ningning say before, how to ride the car and how to back up the car if he goes home.

He listened, he felt tired and troublesome, and the weather was still so cold.

He couldn't imagine how Liu Ningning got home.

For a long while, the phone was silent on both ends.

In fact, the two hadn't contacted for several days, and neither of them knew what to say.

And sometimes, I don’t understand something on my mobile phone, and sometimes I can only communicate well when I meet and speak.

"Ning Ning, I'll call you again at night."

After finishing this sentence, Luo Yanxiao hung up the phone.

He quickly changed into his clothes and hurried out from the hospital.

He wants to drive to Liu Ningning's house to find her.

Luo Yanxiao now thinks that fortunately he has been there once, so now he knows the place and he can go by car.

Young frenzy, in fact, when young, the easiest to be impulsive.

If you want to do something, you can do it impulsively.

Luo Yanxiao now also can't be bothered. He only has one idea now, that is to go to Liu Ningning. He has a lot to say to Liu Ningning, and he still has to explain things in the past few days.

Luo Yanxiao didn't want any problems between him and Liu Ningning.

And he didn't want to make Liu Ningning feel uncomfortable.

Liu Ningning's mind is very delicate, and the whole person is very weak, and looks strong. In fact, he is the most weak. He is worried about her emotions, so he wants to see her.

Luo Yanxiao didn't care about anything, and just drove on the high speed towards Liu Ningning's house.

He has a good memory, and he remembered the way he walked last time.

Because he was thinking before, and Liu Ningning was homesick afterwards, so he drove her home, stayed for a weekend, and then drove back to school.

And Liu Ningning's parents are very simple, he feels very good.

He stayed at Liu Ningning's house for two nights, and he also felt very relaxed.

Moreover, the dumplings and dumplings made by Liu Mu are delicious.

He felt much better than what he bought outside.

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